Advice for starting from basically 0 muscle mass and poor endurance?


New member
I am 23F and dealing with cancer (but I am nearly all good)! After I recover fully from my surgery, I really want to start doing all the things I’ve been wanting to do but have felt too sick to do over the past year or so - including running, weightlifting, and rock climbing.

However, I have some concerns as I have been pretty unwell and sometimes bedridden, I have a lot of muscle wasting as I lost around 60 pounds (150 to 90 lbs at 5’8) once I started feeling sick. I have been able to gain back to 115 lbs by just eating lots of caloric foods (lots of nuts and chickpeas etc) and actually did some physiotherapy, but I get exhausted pretty easily and find myself winded after walking up 3-4 flights of stairs).

Does anyone have advice for starting basically from 0 muscle mass and getting winded easilt - maybe good exercises to begin with so I can can develop a small amount of endurance or strength to begin doing more serious workouts eventually? or there maybe programs for this kind of thing that exist? I am okay with not having immediate results and taking the time to make sure I don’t injure myself.

@blacksheepkate Honestly I wouldn’t listen to anyone on Reddit if I were you. Probably best to talk to a doctor and a professional trainer that can help you individually get rolling
@smilesss My doctor has honestly just not been too helpful in relation to this issue (tbf i think he’s more worried about me just being alive) but maybe I’ll look into a personal trainer!
@blacksheepkate Congrats on kicking cancers behind! Do as much as you can physically and eat more protein. Building muscle takes protein. So as long as your doctor oks it you should eat a higher protein diet and get good sleep. But basically iust push yourself as hard as you feel comfortable and try to push yourself a little bit more week to week. If you are resting, eating protein, and drinking water enough then you will be making gains. Dont go too crazy and slowly build yourself back up. In 6 months time you wont believe your progress. Also helpful to track what you did and how many reps or time you did it for. It will help you track your progress week to week and month to month
@blacksheepkate Hey Girl ,

First of all , Kudos to you for beating Cancer !!!!

I think you should not wait for anyone to do those things you always desire to do, but before that just check how you are feeling physically because all those things you mentioned are LITTLE physically draining .

So , you might want to :
  1. Maintain a calorie surplus :
a) Calculate your TDEE (total daily calorie expenditure by going to any TDEE calculator on net like :

b) once you have your TDEE ( calorie per day), just add 500-700 calories to that --> that would be your goal calories

2) Focus on Protein first , Carb second and then Fat : its specially for your case , usually 2nd and 3rd place is reversed. Eat lean protein like chicken breasts , Salmon , Beef etc ( panner , tofu, cottage cheese , cheese if you are vegetarian)

Take Carbs from Rice, Bread , Tacos , Chapati , Peeta Bread and veggies lots of veggies please

Take your Fats from Seeds , Nuts , Greek yogurt ( full cream)

Other essential nutrients from : Berries, Fruits ( have 2-5 servings of fruit each day whenever you feel like Snacking on something unhealthy).

3) Cut out anything from above list your doctor said you are allergic to or your meds would react with .

4) Start with body weight exercises ( think of lifting 115 pounds in one go) it WILL give you muscles , trust me

5) Consider Strength - based yoga, Bodyweight routines , Pilates , or mix and match --> make it a fun week for yourself

6) Always opt for fun when it comes to body movement

7) Stall ( no brisk walking) in the morning for 15-30 mins

8) Eat min 3 liters of water everyday

9) Sleep atleast 7 hours daily ( i would prefer if you can sleep 8+ hours)

10) Bonus : Dream like a Disney Princess , because you deserve all of it !!! :)
@blacksheepkate Consult with a doctor to get an idea of what you can and cannot do. It's better to be safe and know all these things before doing anything drastic - specifically working out. You wouldn't want your body to go on a shock. Best to know what food you need to intake as well or to avoid.

Invest (yes, invest and not hire) in getting a personal trainer. They have different programs based on their assessment, just make sure they are fully aware of whatever condition you may have. They won't make you do things they know you wouldn't be able to handle or you can't do.
@blacksheepkate Definitely follow any guidance from your doctor/physical therapists first and foremost.

You'll definitely want to get some more weight on you. High protein is going to be important for rebuilding/repairing muscle. If you eat meat, eating fattier options not only are tastier, but will also help with getting calories in.

To start exercise wise, I'd start with just trying to walk more (or any kind of simple cardio). Stairs are a bitch and can make even a relatively fit person feel winded, so don't feel too bad there! But just start with what you can and try and build up. This can be done outside or on a treadmill. A stationary bike can work too if you have one.

Then I'd just start with some simple body weight exercises. If you're willing to buy a bit of equipment, I'd suggest getting a suspension training system (TRX is a name brand, off brands are way cheaper). You can use these straps for balance for squats and lunges. And then you can also use it for upper body work. Where you place your feet will determine how much resistance you have. My trainer uses the TRX for himself as well as with his elderly clients! Alternatively, you could look into yoga or pilaties or head over to /r/bodyweightfitness

It's gonna depend on how you feel, but you could try alternating going for a walk one day, and then doing even just 30 mins of bodyweight exercises (and this includes rest times between sets!). As you feel up to it, you could walk maybe every day and slowly build up your workout time. Just slow and steady and listening to your body. If you need a break, take a break.