Advice on building glutes?


New member
Hi, I'm new to fitness and I'm looking to grow my butt. I'm thin and I'm weak so I probably have just a little muscle. My tdee is currently close to 1400 calories per day when I'm sedentary. My main goal is to perk up my butt and make it rounder without gaining too much fat. I don't have access to a gym.

I'll be following these workouts on youtube in this order 2x a week followed by stretching:





I'm not sure how much I should eat. I'll be more active at this point so my tdee will increase to either 1576 calories per day or 1777 calories per day. How much should I eat based on this? Can I eat less of a surplus because my glutes are underworked?

How much protein should I eat? Some websites are telling me up to 160g but I'm worried this is too much protein for my weight because this would be over 3.5g per kg of bodyweight. Is there a limit?

What about carbs and fat? Is it important to track them as much as I track protein intake?

How long will it take to see results? My glutes are underworked so I'm wondering if I'll see results faster because of this.

Lastly, I would greatly appreciate any feedback on my workout routine and if I could incorporate anything else :)
@amysmith0515 In my opinion, it would be more effective to do regular strength training and apply progressive overload. With your youtube workouts you might see good progress at first, but you‘ll soon hit a plateau because they’ll get too easy. Instead, focus on the basics: squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges and such. Get yourself some dumbbells to do those exercises with and gradually increase the weight, or if that’s not an option, you could do shrimp squats, pistol squats etc (r/bodyweightfitness might help!)and progressively overload that way.

Also please don’t skip working your upper body. Exercises like pushups, pullups, rows etc are really important for being overall physically fit and not having muscular imbalances. Building muscle in your upper body also creates the illusion that you have a smaller waist.

As far as protein is concerned, you only need to eat roughly 1g protein per pound of bodyweight. I hope this helps a bit!

Edit to add: you don’t have to track carbs and fats, just make sure to get your protein in. I‘d recommend eating 1700kcal at least, ideally more as building muscle requires adequate fuel. You‘ll probably see results pretty fast (aka newbie gains).
@dawn16 Thanks for your response! So do you think I should be working on my glutes 3x a week? I did those youtube exercises once and they left me very sore so I'm not sure I should be using dumbbells yet. Also, do you know if there's a limit on how much protein I can eat?
@amysmith0515 If you want, you can continue with your youtube workouts for a week or two, then i‘d move on to something more challenging.

As far as frequency is concerned, many people like to do an upper-lower body split where they work out 4x per week with 2x that being leg day. Other people like me have a push-pull-legs split, so i work out 6x per week, also with 2x being legs. In the end, choose what you prefer and if you feel like you can handle 3 leg days per week, go for it! I personally get super sore from leg day and need at least two days of working different muscle groups before i can do leg day again.

About the protein: technically, if you consume way too much protein with almost no carbs or fat then that’s harmful to your body as it can’t function solely on protein, but most protein sources contain carbs or fat either way. If you sometimes go over the 1g/pound BW rule, it won’t be much of an issue, I personally would need about 120-30 g and sometimes hit the 150 mark. However, there’s no need to eat more protein than 1g/pound BW - if you consume more than that, great, but you‘ll experience the same muscle growth that you would while eating 1g/pound BW. Therefore don’t stress to much about that, your diet shouldn’t solely be about protein, enjoy some fun foods too.

Last but not least: In order to recover properly and grow muscle, you have to make sure of two things: that you eat enough (probably more than 1700kcal) and that you sleep enough, ideally at least 8-9 hours per day.
@amysmith0515 Check out r/strongcurves for routine to grow glutes. You can see progress pics there. They often post their routine with it. There are variations for exercises to accommodate workout at home. But not much gain compare to when u have weights