Advice on Routine


New member
Hello guys, my names Wyatt, im 15 and throughout lockdown i have finally found rhe motivation to take some steps for myself. Just sunday, i created a weekly 5 day split routine. Forgive me if i dont seem knowledgeable much havent researched this stuff a ton. Basically, i wanted to show you guys my routine and was wondering if it alright, too much, too little, or anything really . Andy suggestions are much appreciated, such as weight recommendations etc. Thank you guys!

Here it is!

Monday - Chest/Triceps

Dumbell Bench Press, 4 Sets of 10

Dumbell Flys, 4 Sets of 10

Tricep Kickbacks, 4 Sets of 8 (each side)

One Arm Dumbell Extension, 4 Sets of 8

Lying Tricep Extensions, 4 Sets of 10

Tuesday - Back/Biceps

Barbell Row, 3 Sets of 12

One Arm Dumbell Row, 3 Sets of 10

Deadlift, 3 Sets of 10

Dumbell Shrugs, 3 Sets of 10

Pull Up, 4 Sets of 6

Wednesday - Rest Day

Thursday - Shoulders/Triceps

Dumbell Shoulder Press, 3 Sets of 10

Rear Barbell Shrug, 3 Sets of 12

Lateral Raise, 3 Sets of 10

Seated Dumbell Kickback, 3 Sets of 10

Lying Tricep Extensions, 3 Sets of 8

Friday - Legs/Abs

Dumbell Squat, 3 Sets of 8

Dumbell Lunge, 3 Sets of 8

Flutter Kicks, 4 Sets of 18

Plank, 4 Sets of 40 Seconds

Crunch, 4 Sets of 10

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Cardio/Abs

Mountain Climbers, 4 Sets of 10

Leg Raises, 4 Sets of 10

Bicycle Crunch, 4 Sets of 8

Jumping Jacks, 5 Sets of 20

10 Minute Run
@carebear47 Looks like something I did in HS. Hahaha. Nothing necessarily wrong about that tho.

All of this will depend on the weight you're using in relation to the reps and sets, as well as your rest period/intervals.
Without much context, I'd say you can crank out a few more exercises (or give or take reps/sets) . You could add more exercises that target the rear dealt as that muscle can take a bunch of reps easily. I'd also ask why it seems like you opt not to do any barbell bench press? That's a good way to rack up the weights if you want that for your chest. Same goes for the barbell squat, and barbell overhead press/military press.

But as it is, I mean, sure. It looks okay. But be sure to mix it up eventually(more weights or better weight to rep ratio, switch up your rest intervals, etc.
@christrestoredme Your the first person thats actually given advice as opposed to saying soemthing like split routines arent good for beginners. Honestly i wasnt sute, thats why im here, so i really appreciate the input. As for the barbell bench press and stuff like that, im rather limited. Im doing this at home where all i have is 140 lbs of weights, a barbell, two dumbells and a pull up bar. No bench, although i have heard doing them off the floor can work and is safer alone so i may try that. As for what you were saying about weights reps and sets, do you have specific recommendations? I know in my routine it says 3 sets for most of them but i actually meant to put 4, i also heard from my father dont overdo it with weight when starting. Start at something that doesnt push your capacity and add on every week or so. Feel free to critique, i know it isnt the best :)
@carebear47 We are all on our own personal fitness journey. Always happy to talk with a fellow enthusiast.

It's a lot difficult to recommend reps and sets as I can't exactly tell how easy or how difficult it is for you to lift the weights you're currently working on.

But as you are limited with the weights that you have, unfortunately, reps/sets are probably the only things you can mess around with. Say incrementally increase them over time, as well as reduce the rest period in between each set--

Or, time under tension. Switch up your eccentric and concentric. For example, take 2 seconds to raise the dbell during a bicep curl and 3 seconds to lower it... And with squats, you can be explosive on your way up, focusing on leg drive while once again slowering the descent, maybe taking 3 seconds to lower yourself, etc.

Also consider doing certain exercises to failure.

But, just to take a step back a bit, your old man is wise in saying not to go ham on weights when starting out.
That's true.
Focus on form first and foremost. And outside of actual workouts, focus on diet as well.

Also, find refutable sources on YouTube with regard to this type of stuff, as there are a lot of awesome people who know a lot about these kinds of stuff over there.
@christrestoredme Awesome thank you very much this advice helps a ton honestly, im gonna maybe bumb up from 5 exercises a day to 6 or 7 and see how it goes, from there im gonna mess around with my reps and like you said my stances and how long to lift and hold, etc. Thank you tho as its been quite hard for me to get advice on whether this will work in the long run and whether its effective or not.