Advice - protein/defecit


New member
Hi everyone! Love reading everyone’s posts and so grateful for the knowledge shared ❤️

I am in a good place fitness wise - working out with a trainer twice a week and lifting heavy, running fairly regularly (aiming for 3x per week but at the moment it’s more like 1 … I’ll get there!)

However, my weight is pretty much maintaining … I’d like to lose around 10/15lbs to get to a healthy BMI and to see the results of my fitness a little more. So, basically I want to do a cut.

My issue is I find it suuuuuper hard to stick to my deficit cals as I’m just so hungry. I know protein is the answer and looking at my macros I’m at about 85g protein per day (ie yesterday in brief: latte, B: toast w. peanut butter L: chicken salad S: protein flapjack D: salmon curry - this was around 1700 cals and I’m aiming for 1500)

Wondering if anyone has any tips on how to take in more protein and stay in a deficit? Thanks in advance!
@weewillie Generally speaking, I try to have fiber, protein, and fat at each meal to avoid getting that hungry feeling. It's a magical combination that fills you up even if you have smaller portion sizes and thus fewer calories.
  • Your breakfast is likely low on fiber if you're using a standard commercial bread - maybe try throwing some apple slices on top or on the side.
  • Your lunch is likely low on fat, depending on the dressing. Add seeds or nuts or cheese.
  • Your snack is potentially low in both fiber and fat, depending on the recipe. You might need to swap in something else entirely.
  • Your dinner has the potential to be perfect, if you had enough veggies for fiber. If not, add some in (swap in cauliflower rice for white rice for lower calorie and simultaneous fiber).
I also find it easier if all three of my meals are more or less the same size (in calories). Hard to tell here without portion sizes but it looks like your dinner is a heavier meal than either breakfast or lunch.
@weewillie The biggest flag I’m seeing is your breakfast. It’s all carbs and fats. I aim to get at least 20-30g of protein in the morning and that keeps me so full that sometimes I don’t even need to eat lunch!

Try mixing eggs with cottage cheese and a slice of low calorie bread (45 calorie bread). Or oatmeal with protein powder and almond milk with some fruits sprinkled on top. If you’re super lazy, just drink a protein shake for breakfast.

Idk your height but I would aim for at least 90g of protein per day.
@weewillie The breakfast was a red flag for me, too. I get 45g with Greek yogurt, protein powder, some fruit and granola. I’m on a cut, too, eating 1700-1800 with 150g protein.
@weewillie Zero fat Greek yogurt, lean chicken, chickpeas, and cottage cheese are all great sources of protein. I want to add that dietary fiber will also help keep you full (oatmeal, apples, beans, etc.)
Try protein pancake mix, if you like carbs, and add a side of fruit. I personally like to do fruit smoothies with oatmeal and yogurt mixed together (I buy frozen fruit blends that have oatmeal in them).
@weewillie Lots of good advice already. I’ll just add that once I started seriously focusing on getting .8-1g of protein per lb of body weight I found myself struggling to even keep eating, I was so full. I just ate my lunch (chicken breast, zucchini, potatoes) and it was only 270 cal but I’m SO full.
@weewillie You definitely need a breakfast with protein. I can get 35-45g in breakfast alone.

Greek yogurt like Oikos Triple Zero, low fat cottage cheese, shrimp, ground turkey, tuna, egg whites, etc are all good sources. Once you figure out some “go-to” meals , it gets simpler . I build my meals around protein. Fiber is also important, too