Advice: the Giant 1.0 or 3.0 again?


New member
M, mid 40s, 185lb, 6'

I ran DFW twice, from 18s to 21s, then ran the Giant 3.0 with 24s.

I tested the 24s at 5RM, but this was just the press, not clean and press. I ran the Giant 3.0 with the 24s for four weeks, then took a light deload week and tested at 7RM for the C+P. I figure my 10RM now must be the 22s. I never missed a rep on the Giant 3.0, and I progressed every week.

The Giant 3.0 reps:

Week 1: Day 1=34; Day 2=36; Day 3=38

Week 2: Day 1=42; Day 2=39; Day 3=42

Week 3: Day 1=48; Day 2=42; Day 3=47

Week 4: Day 1=56; Day 2=48; Day 3=54

I thinking of running the unofficial Giant 3.1 with the 24s, or starting the Giant 1.0 with 22s.
@belovedsone Yeah, that's fair. I've also seen him suggesting the unofficial 1.05 himself.

But personally I think he really nailed at least 1.0-1.2. It's some of the best progress I've ever made.
@hunter101 Probably because 1.0-1.2 is all done with a 10 rm, so you're still working with the same strength baseline, when I did 3.0 I still wasn't very accustomed to the 24's and really struggled with making that 3.0-1.0 jump.
@youngman4god There is, officially now. But before then, fans of the Giant program had already unofficially came up with it to bridge the gap from 3.0 to 1.0. It's pretty simple, just add a rep to each number from 3.0, and that's 3.1, then run that for a month and add another rep to those numbers and you'll have 3.2.

Unless you have great beginner gains, or already at a very easy 5 rm, making that jump from 3.0 to 1.0 can be hard for some people. A lot of people were recycling 3.0 over and over to get that 10 rm, I personally dropped Giant and did Strong!, which has a smooth transition from 1 to 6 reps.
@lfedora I start 3.0 with 5RM then move to 1.0, 2.0, 1.1, 1.2 with the same weight.

After that's completed, I increase to the next 4kg increment which for me is usually a 5RM to start over with 3.0 again.

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