Advice: Weight-Training Post-WOD?


New member
I've been doing CrossFit 5 times a week (M-F) for about 3 months now. Still very much new to it, but seeing improvement already.

It's been absolutely great, but I miss regular weight-training (which I was doing before I started this).

I know some of you out there have been combining WODs with weight training, and I'd love to pick your brains!

What's your experience been like?

How do you balance the intensity of CrossFit with targeted weight training without burning out?

Any specific programs or tips you'd recommend?

Excited to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences.
@austins3991 Strongly recommend

The CrossFit “superset everything” methodology requires lowering the weights because it’s a conditioning methodology.

21-15-9 thrusters will light up your lungs but unless you’re a nooby noob, it doesn’t make you strong.

So yeah, do it. Eat more carbs especially immediately after training.
@austins3991 Fridays are bench as the strength component at my gym, so I’ll do that and the Wod with the class then stay after and do 3 sets of db incline, dips, db flys. 8-12 reps.

I try to balance the accessory movements between ‘similar to the strength component’ and a body builder style 4 day split- chest, arms, legs, back. But since most every day is leg day and my legs are already big & strong I don’t do that as much and will do some core exercises.

Sometimes other gym friends will stay after and work on skills, and I’ll join on those - bar muscle ups, hand stand push ups, double unders, t2b rhythm all need more practice for me