af or psp + macros


New member
hi! i’m a student w/ dost scholarship
body type: skinny fat

i have enough gym knowledge na (started aug 2023). i’m planning to transfer gym & my choices are PSP & Anytime Fitness na super magkaiba yung prices (these 2 lang po yung malapit)

choice 1:
focus on my macro intake, eating whole & protein rich foods + apply sa PSP

choice 2:
apply sa AF (i like the 24/7 for early gym sessions like 5am) then continue yung normal eating habits na hindi maayos masyado yung macros

choice 3:
AF + macro intake but i feel like i wouldn’t be able to save pero kaya naman po ata

pls help me decide! want to invest in myself + have savings pa rin as a student
@saimonsz1 Easy. Choice 1.

Exercise & nutrition goes hand in hand. If you pick choice 2 - good equipment ergo choice of exercises & space w/ not so good macros /nutrition will slow your gains.

Not sure kung VIP or Pro or Jr ka sa PSP but PSP vs AF in terms of equipment (ergo variation of exercises) & space, AF all the way. But a good balance between exercises & nutrition would be a better strategy ergo Choice 1. Anyway, you can look for variations dun sa exercises mo since limited equipment si PSP.

BTW I'm enrolled in PSP VIP so I know na limited talaga equipment but it's good enough for strength training, powerlifting, and/or muscle building. I'm doing mix powerlifting & muscle building and I can still do it at PSP Pro. Just have to be creative on some exercises (e.g. can't do rack pulls since power cage ng PSP [for my branch] is not designed that way so what I did was stack plates so increase height of bar and mimic rack pulls).
@saimonsz1 Choice 1 since exercise + good nutrition is the key talaga, and bonus if you can still save every month

I'm also enrolled in PSP (Jr home gym but I can access Pro branches). And like what the redditor above mentioned, limited ang PSP when it comes to equipment, but enough naman for me and my program

I would recommend to visit the PSP branch you're planning to enroll to first and check if their equipment is sufficient for your workouts. And in case you want to hire a coach/personal trainer down the line, mas realistic sa PSP (since hiyangan din sa coach, di porket mahal mas ok). Malayo kasi difference ng rates ng PSP vs AF. If I went with AF, I don't think I can afford.
@saimonsz1 Advice for OP: Don't push for an expensive gym kung hindi naman realistic sa budget mo. Hindi lang sa gym umiikot ang progress mo. Mostly sa food talaga so you better make sure na may budget ka sa food so you can perform better and have better progress

In short, prioritize food budget over gym budget