Am I doing too much with weighted decline russian twists?


New member
Hey y'all. I like to train my core specifically about once or twice a week, depending on the mood. I've been doing progressive overload, so I do weighted core exercises. My favorite is the russian twist, exactly like this:

I've been able to get pretty high in weight with these, right now I'm doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 25 pounds (11.3kg).

Problem is, I saw somewhere on here, not to long ago, a case of someone who tore an ab. I never considered this to be a possibility but now I'm worried that I'm adding too much weight. Is this also potentially bad for my knees, since it's on a decline bench? What are your experiences with weighted core-specific exercises?
@kimerella2 I mean, anyone can tear anything if they're working above their own capacity and not honoring their bodies limits. If you're adding weight slowly and staying mindful during your sets, your risk for injury will greatly decrease. But generally speaking, higher weight means higher risk of injury. As for your knees -- do they hurt either during the exercise or the next day? Do they feel weaker or less stable during movements that rely on them? Does walking feel the same? If nothing feels wrong you're probably safe, just keep paying attention to if anything feels wrong and you should be fine.

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