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Is this a good workout routine? I’m new to weights! Pls help!

Hi all, I really hope this gets seen. I’m new to Reddit and using weights so I may be totally off.

I’m a 29F and 139/140lbs 5’5”. I have researched but found it could be quite conflicting and confusing in terms of what exercises to do and how much. I ended up making my own routine based on which exercises felt like they targeted the right areas after I work out. Again, im new and aware this is likely wrong, here for advice.

I used to do Pilates, I’m fairly fit and can do each of these routines well. I do get up a sweat and feel like I worked hard by the end of them.

I’ve definitely seen a difference in muscle tone but I’m not sure it’s as effective or efficient as it could be. Any help would be great! Thank you!

Workout plan
  1. Arms and back
  2. Legs and glutes
  3. Abs and core
  4. Yoga (active rest day)
  5. Arms and back
  6. Legs and glutes
  7. Abs and core

30 min run

Plank with row 1min 15lb -focus on stability
1min plank
Russian twist x12 20lb
Weighted full body crunch x12 10pms
Opposing side crunch x12/side
Leg lift about thing x12
90* sit ups x12

15 min yoga and stretch

Arms and back
30 min run

3s x 12R
  1. Lat pull down 60lb
  2. Over shoulder press 10(5&5 dumbbells)
  3. Dumbbell rows 15/20lb
  4. Dumbbell tricep Ext 15lb
  5. Bicep curls 10lb
  6. Weighted Superman 5lb
8r (because I cannot do more rn)
1. Push ups
2. Triceps dips
3. Chest press 40lb

Leg day

10 min jog/brisk walk at high incline

3S x 12R

Weighted squat 20&20lb
Wtd sumo squat 20&20lb
Leg extensions 60lb
Seated leg curl 100lb
Deadlift 130lb
Single leg bench deadlift
Wtd Bulgarian split
Wtd single leg hip thrusts
Resistance band butterflies wt pulse
Resistance band donkey kick
Resistance band fire hydrant

5 min jog/brisk walk at incline

I’m also thinking to put my cardio at the end of my workout instead of beginning as recently read that was better for toning/building muscle.
@jjm33 If this is something that you enjoy and will stick to... great. But I would say follow a proven routine instead of trying to make your own. The r/fitness wiki has plenty to chose from

I don't think you need a full day to dedicate towards abs. You could easily tack them on to the end of your workouts or in between exercises. Also, really focusing on your compound movements will really work your core as well.

You may be better off looking at a PPL (push, pull, legs) style routine if you want to work out 6 days a week.

Also, you need a progression plan... aka, how do you intend to increase reps/weight and improve?

I’m also thinking to put my cardio at the end of my workout instead of beginning as recently read that was better for toning/building muscle.

Cardio at the end gives you more energy to put towards lifting, which will in the long term give you better gains. A few minutes warm up before you lift is fine (I like to do 500m on the rowing machine - roughly 2.5 mins - or 5 mins of easy pedaling on a bike or 5 minutes of walking on a level treadmill). The point of the warmup is just to get the heart pumping and your body a little warm before you start lifting, it's not meant to tire you out at all.

Also, a side note, "tone" is a bullshit word. You don't tone a muscle. You only build a muscle, and then you gotta become lean enough to see it.

Last bit of advice... make sure you're eating enough protein! Without sufficient protein, you're leaving gains on the table. Ultimately, bulk/cut cycles are also going to give you the fastest results. Muscle building is slow. A woman, under optimal conditions and a ton of other factors, can only expect to gain around .5-1lb of muscle a month.
@dinafrancis This is great, thanks. It simplifies a lot of what I’ve read and been confused by. I’ll check the fitness wiki but maybe I’ll just sign up to a program that focuses on the ppl thing you mentioned and has a progression plan or perhaps swap out the abs for Pilates since I’m missing it?
@jjm33 Happy to help :)

There's really no need to sign up for (or pay for) any program/trainer. The fitness wiki should have routines spelled out. You don't have to do PPL. There are many other options depending on how many days a week you want to commit to the gym (I personally like 3-4 days, and I spend around an hour each day, not including cardio).

The routines on the wiki should define their progression, but just to give an example of a kind of progression... say you start out at 3x10 for an exercise at 10lbs. The next time you work out, try for 3x12. Maybe you get 12, 12, 8. So the next time, try the 3x12 again. Inch up the reps till you get to like 3x15. Then the next time you workout, aim for 3x8-10 but at 15lbs and repeat. A routine I've done also messed around with rest times as well as reps. If you're going very heavy, 3x5 can be a rough workout but you get like 3 mins rest between sets. But then the program gave you 1 minute rest for a 3x5 and you just physically can't go as heavy. I dunno the science behind it, but I absolutely got stronger over the course of this program. Trust the process, essentially.

But if you were to just say at 3x12 for a set weight for a while, you won't make as many gains. You need to constantly be pushing your muscles further. And for some things, even training with the negatives at a heavier weight can help as well! So when i'm at a sticking point with my bench press, for example, my trainer will often load up the bar to heavier than what I can push up and essentially, I'll just slowly lower the bar in a controlled fashion and push against it at the bottom, but essentially fail the lift. But the bar didn't just drop, I still had to do work to slowly control it. And the force needed even to hold it at the bottom is still helping to improve your muscles. Lots of people will do this with pull ups. Jump up to the 'up' position, and slowly lower yourself down.

Also, just to note... there will be some days you feel weak af just due to your hormone cycle. This is completely normal. Just try your best on these days and you may have to drop down in weight. Do what you can cus the next week, you'll probably be doing a LOT better. Hormones suck haha

If you want to swap your ab days for pilates days, sure, if pilates is something you enjoy doing! You could do that and still include extra core exercises on your lifting days as well.