
New member
Goal is muscle hypertrophy .

Monday ( Push )
  1. Flat Bench Barbell Press ( 3x 6-10 )
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press ( 2x 10-15 )
  3. Dumbbell Lateral Raises leaning on bench variation ( 3x 10-15 last set drop )
  4. Dips ( 3x - failure )
  5. Tricep Rope Pushdowns ( 4x 8-12 )
Tuesday ( Pull )
  1. Lat Pushdowns w Rope ( 2-3x 8-12 ) ( warmup )
  2. Close Grip Chin ups ( 2x 6-10 ) ( warmup )
  3. Lat Pull Downs with wide bar ( 3x 8-10 reps )
  4. Machine Rows ( Close Grip ) ( 3x 8-10 )
  5. Reverse pec deck ( 3x 8-10 )
  6. Dumbbell Curls ( 3x 12-15; last set drop )
  7. Reverse Curls ( 3x 8-10 )
Wednesday ( Legs + Shoulders + Forearms )
  1. Squats ( 3x 6-8 )
  2. Leg Press low & narrow ( 3x 6-10 )
  3. Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlift ( 2x 8-12 )
  4. Leg Extensions ( 2x 15-20 )
  5. Calf Raises ( 2x 50-100 - standing , 2x 40-50-leg press machine)
  6. Wall Sit ( 1:30 - 2 mins )
  7. Seated OHP Dumbbell ( 3x 8-12 )
  8. Dumbbell Wrist Curls superset w Dumbbell Wrist Rotations( 3x 10-15 & dumbbell rotations for 30-60s )
Thursday ( Push )
  1. Flat Bench Barbell Press ( 3x 6-10 )
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press ( 2x 10-12 )
  3. Dumbbell Lateral Raises leaning on bench variation ( 3x 10-15 last drop)
  4. Dumbbell SkullCrushers ( 3x 10-12 last set drop )
  5. Overhead Rope Extensions ( 3x 10-12 )
Friday ( Pull )
  1. Lat Pushdowns w Rope ( 2-3x 8-12 ) ( warmup )
  2. Close Grip Chin-ups ( 2x 6-10 ) ( warmup )
  3. Lat Pulldown V-bar ( 3x 8-10 )
  4. Close Grip Machine Rows ( 3x 8-10 )
  5. Reverse Pec Deck ( 3x 8-10 )
  6. Dumbbell Shrugs ( 4x 10-15 )
  7. Dumbbell Curls ( 3x 8-10 last set drop )
  8. Reverse Curls ( 3x 8-10 )
Saturday ( Legs + Shoulders + Forearms )
  1. Squats ( 3x 6-10 )
  2. Leg Curls 4x 12-15 )
  3. Leg Press low & narrow ( 3x 6-8 )
  4. Calf Raises ( 2x 50-100 - standing , 2x 40-50-leg press machine)
  5. Wall Sits ( 1:30 - 2 mins )
  6. Seated OHP Dumbbell ( 3x 8-12 )
  7. Dumbbell Wrist Curls superset w Dumbbell Wrist Rotations( 3x 10-15 & dumbbell rotations for 30-60s )
Sunday ( Rest )

Abs ( Alternate Days )
1. Bodyweight Planks ( 3 sets with 30 sec decrement in each set )
2. Lying Leg Raises ( 3x 20 )
3. Russian Twists ( 3x failure )
@thelongseason The common saying is "overtraining or under-recovering?"

It depends.

The answer to this question really comes from you-Are you making progress each week/month?

If so, then no, you're not overtraining.

If no, then yea, you're overtraining.

There's no way to look at a bunch of exercises and know if you're overtraining or not. It comes down to your training history and the progress you're making from week to week.