Am I overtraining my glutes?


New member
I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I should remove or add? I try to train close to failure or hit failure on every set and I’m definitely sore for 48 hours after. Sometimes I’m still a little sore on my next glute day from the last one so I’m wondering should I not be sore at all after 48 hours if I want to train the same muscle?

  1. Seated single leg curls 3x12 (hamstring) (25)
  2. SMITH MACHINE GOOD MORNINGS 3 X 10 (hams, gluteus max, lower back, core) (30 lb)
  3. HYPER EXTENSIONS 3 X 10- (glutes max, hams, lower back) (10 lb)
  4. Hip abductor (adductor) (70 lbs)
  5. Calves
1. Dumbell BENCH PRESS 3 X 5, 1 X 10-15 (20) (pecs, anterior deltoids, tris)
2. DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS 3 X 8-10 (15 lbs) (deltoids, traps, tris)
3. Sitting DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISES 3 X 10 ( 10 lbs) (lateral deltoids, deltoids, traps)
4. DUMBBELL SKULL CRUSHER 3 X 10 (10 dropsetlbs) (tris, chest)
5. CABLE ROPE PUSH DOWN 3 X 10 (40) (tris)
6. PECK DECK 3 X 10 (40 lbs) (pecs, anterior deltoids)

1. BARBELL HIP THRUST 3 X 5, 1 X 10 (gluteus Maximus, hams, quads, lower back) 90
2. KAS GLUTE BRIDGE 1 X 10-15 (gluteus max,med,min) 70
3. Single leg ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 3 X 10 (hams, glutes max, lower back) 25
4. Single leg press 3 x 10 (glutes max) 60
5. GLUTE CABLE KICKBACKS 3 X 10 (glute medius min) 30
6. Core: 20 alternating knee tucks
7. 20 leg circles
8. 20 dead bugs

1. LAT PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (70 lbs) (latissimus dorsi,rhomboids, lower traps)
2. SEATED FACE PULLS 3 X 10 (80lbs) (rear deltoids, traps, upper traps, rhomboids)
3. STRAIGHT BAR PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (30) (latissimus dorsi, biceps, rhomboids, lower trap)
4. Seated ROW 3 X 10 under and over superset (40) (middle & upper back, rhomboids, Lats, traps)
5. SINGLE ARM CABLE CURL 3x8-10 (7.5lb) (biceps, brachialis)
6. CONCENTRATION CURL 3 X 8-10 SUPER SET (15 lb) (biceps,brachialis)
7. DUMBBELL HAMMER CURL 3 X 6-10 (10 lb) (brachialis, bicep)

1. Seated Leg extension machine 3x10 (50 lbs) (quads)
2. Smith machine SQUAT 3 X 10 (50 lbs) (quads, hams, glutes max)
3. DUMBBELL SUMO SQUAT 3 X 10 (quads, hams, glutes max)
4. Cable Clam shells 3 X 10 (12.5) (glute medius)
5. Leg press quads 120 lbs 3 X 8-10 (quads)
6. Hip abductor outer (70 or 80) glute medi and mini
@blever I think you might be overworking, yeah. You've got a lot of junk volume in my opinion. And if you are actually managing that much load, you are not training as hard as you could probably. Because there's no way you'd recover that fast for the next session if you did.

I'm leaning towards you underestimating how much tank you've got left each set on that split.

There are a few factors for magic amount of sets, it's mostly a sweet spot of time/effort/results/recovery/rest required before you start hitting dimishing returns (as in, you'd get more fatigue out of it and little to none extra gains).

With that in mind, I'm having a hard time believing those are actually working sets and you are not facing any recovery issues between sessions. Specially being a beginner. Some muscle groups, legs mostly, are hard to gauge how much you've got left in you early on.
@blever If you like training, keep doing it. We can't stop you! :p

But jokes aside, specially being a beginner, you don't need that much estmiulus for growth at this point. Like I said, those magic numbers are for reference, and it means that a certain point the amount of fatigue you generate is disproportionate to the amount of benefits you get from them. Meaning, you are better off doing less, having a decent rest and a better fresh all out session the next time.

I think doing 3 days of glutes is overdoing it. As little as 7-8 working sets a session works amazing if they are, indeed, working sets. Doing that twice a week should be way more than enough.

You need to factor in the amount of calories you'd need to sustain that amount of volume too.

If I had to pick, I would cut off the glute day and go at it harder in the other days for now. Maybe down the road when you are more advanced if you are still not happy with the booty you've got, you can add it back. As of now, totally not necessary.

I don't want to rumble too much, but it's a good thing to learn. There are things that are just not necessary, some are bad for you, some are good. This one isn't necessarily bad, it could, but it's not necessary at this point. And the least you can do and get the results you want, the better!
@blever The top recommendation would be to find an established beginner program (try the r/fitness wiki). That’s probably going to focus more on compound lifts because the offer so much bang for your buck when you’re starting out. Isolation movements have their place, but you have to do a lot more of them to check all the boxes you’d get from something like squatting and deadlifting. Can always throw in one or two accessories if you really want to focus on a particular body part, but if you’re hinging properly and going hard with deadlifts that’ll probably be plenty right now.
@bornagainkames Oh ok because a couple of videos I watched said it could actually hinder their growth if I train them too much so I was worried since I’m doing like 35 working sets on my glutes lmao