Am I overtraining my glutes?


New member
I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I should remove or add? I try to train close to failure or hit failure on every set and I’m definitely sore for 48 hours after. Sometimes I’m still a little sore on my next glute day from the last one so I’m wondering should I not be sore at all after 48 hours if I want to train the same muscle?

  1. Seated single leg curls 3x12 (hamstring) (25)
  2. SMITH MACHINE GOOD MORNINGS 3 X 10 (hams, gluteus max, lower back, core) (30 lb)
  3. HYPER EXTENSIONS 3 X 10- (glutes max, hams, lower back) (10 lb)
  4. Hip abductor (adductor) (70 lbs)
  5. Calves
1. Dumbell BENCH PRESS 3 X 5, 1 X 10-15 (20) (pecs, anterior deltoids, tris)
2. DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS 3 X 8-10 (15 lbs) (deltoids, traps, tris)
3. Sitting DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISES 3 X 10 ( 10 lbs) (lateral deltoids, deltoids, traps)
4. DUMBBELL SKULL CRUSHER 3 X 10 (10 dropsetlbs) (tris, chest)
5. CABLE ROPE PUSH DOWN 3 X 10 (40) (tris)
6. PECK DECK 3 X 10 (40 lbs) (pecs, anterior deltoids)

1. BARBELL HIP THRUST 3 X 5, 1 X 10 (gluteus Maximus, hams, quads, lower back) 90
2. KAS GLUTE BRIDGE 1 X 10-15 (gluteus max,med,min) 70
3. Single leg ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 3 X 10 (hams, glutes max, lower back) 25
4. Single leg press 3 x 10 (glutes max) 60
5. GLUTE CABLE KICKBACKS 3 X 10 (glute medius min) 30
6. Core: 20 alternating knee tucks
7. 20 leg circles
8. 20 dead bugs

1. LAT PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (70 lbs) (latissimus dorsi,rhomboids, lower traps)
2. SEATED FACE PULLS 3 X 10 (80lbs) (rear deltoids, traps, upper traps, rhomboids)
3. STRAIGHT BAR PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (30) (latissimus dorsi, biceps, rhomboids, lower trap)
4. Seated ROW 3 X 10 under and over superset (40) (middle & upper back, rhomboids, Lats, traps)
5. SINGLE ARM CABLE CURL 3x8-10 (7.5lb) (biceps, brachialis)
6. CONCENTRATION CURL 3 X 8-10 SUPER SET (15 lb) (biceps,brachialis)
7. DUMBBELL HAMMER CURL 3 X 6-10 (10 lb) (brachialis, bicep)

1. Seated Leg extension machine 3x10 (50 lbs) (quads)
2. Smith machine SQUAT 3 X 10 (50 lbs) (quads, hams, glutes max)
3. DUMBBELL SUMO SQUAT 3 X 10 (quads, hams, glutes max)
4. Cable Clam shells 3 X 10 (12.5) (glute medius)
5. Leg press quads 120 lbs 3 X 8-10 (quads)
6. Hip abductor outer (70 or 80) glute medi and mini
@champ1987 honestly i would just progress the weights until you genuinely reach failure with strict technique, recalibrate around 1-2 reps in reserve now that you know what it feels like to have to grind through slow reps in a productive set, and then just feel out for yourself how much volume you FEEL recovered from and CAN do in a session before everything feels like junk volume.

10-20 sets is just a generic guideline some researchers figured out for certain muscle groups for certain participants which tends to be decent but you only know if its working for you if you're recovering and progressing.

i think anything peak contraction biased will be very easy to recover from so 20 sets of bridges/clamshells/abductor machine is a VERY different story from 20 sets of lunges/rdls/deep squats.
@champ1987 Hell no.. back in the time of me exercising once upon a time... I had a list of exercises that filled the entire page of basically like paper the size of a spreadsheet. I would do 90 reps doing sets of 13, 18, and 32 to the 90, but then do that 3 times in a day. Except for situps, those I did on a beach off the ground to 450 3 times. I mean, if I were you, not that I'm saying that as a suggestion, but instead less than that and more than what you are doing now, maybe 9 set, or 10, a day. Just the glutes.

How did you get to be so strong and at just 125lbs?.... Because I would eat everyone else's workout routines for breakfast.