Am I overtraining my glutes?


New member
I’ve been doing this split for a month and a half and I’m a beginner. I love going 5 days a week and i really want to grow a big ol juicy booty. But I’m hearing you should only do about 20 working sets max a week on your glutes and I def am over. Can anyone give me any tips? Which excercises I should remove or add? I try to train close to failure or hit failure on every set and I’m definitely sore for 48 hours after. Sometimes I’m still a little sore on my next glute day from the last one so I’m wondering should I not be sore at all after 48 hours if I want to train the same muscle?

  1. Seated single leg curls 3x12 (hamstring) (25)
  2. SMITH MACHINE GOOD MORNINGS 3 X 10 (hams, gluteus max, lower back, core) (30 lb)
  3. HYPER EXTENSIONS 3 X 10- (glutes max, hams, lower back) (10 lb)
  4. Hip abductor (adductor) (70 lbs)
  5. Calves
1. Dumbell BENCH PRESS 3 X 5, 1 X 10-15 (20) (pecs, anterior deltoids, tris)
2. DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS 3 X 8-10 (15 lbs) (deltoids, traps, tris)
3. Sitting DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISES 3 X 10 ( 10 lbs) (lateral deltoids, deltoids, traps)
4. DUMBBELL SKULL CRUSHER 3 X 10 (10 dropsetlbs) (tris, chest)
5. CABLE ROPE PUSH DOWN 3 X 10 (40) (tris)
6. PECK DECK 3 X 10 (40 lbs) (pecs, anterior deltoids)

1. BARBELL HIP THRUST 3 X 5, 1 X 10 (gluteus Maximus, hams, quads, lower back) 90
2. KAS GLUTE BRIDGE 1 X 10-15 (gluteus max,med,min) 70
3. Single leg ROMANIAN DEADLIFT 3 X 10 (hams, glutes max, lower back) 25
4. Single leg press 3 x 10 (glutes max) 60
5. GLUTE CABLE KICKBACKS 3 X 10 (glute medius min) 30
6. Core: 20 alternating knee tucks
7. 20 leg circles
8. 20 dead bugs

1. LAT PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (70 lbs) (latissimus dorsi,rhomboids, lower traps)
2. SEATED FACE PULLS 3 X 10 (80lbs) (rear deltoids, traps, upper traps, rhomboids)
3. STRAIGHT BAR PULL DOWN 3 X 10 (30) (latissimus dorsi, biceps, rhomboids, lower trap)
4. Seated ROW 3 X 10 under and over superset (40) (middle & upper back, rhomboids, Lats, traps)
5. SINGLE ARM CABLE CURL 3x8-10 (7.5lb) (biceps, brachialis)
6. CONCENTRATION CURL 3 X 8-10 SUPER SET (15 lb) (biceps,brachialis)
7. DUMBBELL HAMMER CURL 3 X 6-10 (10 lb) (brachialis, bicep)

1. Seated Leg extension machine 3x10 (50 lbs) (quads)
2. Smith machine SQUAT 3 X 10 (50 lbs) (quads, hams, glutes max)
3. DUMBBELL SUMO SQUAT 3 X 10 (quads, hams, glutes max)
4. Cable Clam shells 3 X 10 (12.5) (glute medius)
5. Leg press quads 120 lbs 3 X 8-10 (quads)
6. Hip abductor outer (70 or 80) glute medi and mini
@champ1987 General rule of thumb is to do about 9-15 sets per week for the major muscles (chest, glutes, shoulders, quads, etc).
So as long as you're within that range, you're good.