Am I working out wrong? .... 22y/o - 5'8" - 147 Lb


New member
Yo whatsup r/bodybuilding,

Here is what I look like now:
I'm 5'8 - 147 LB - 22Years old

Posting here because i'm getting really frustrated with the way my body is developing. I'm clearly doing something wrong because my chest looks flatter than a cat ran over by a semi. I've been "working out" for almost 3 years and when I started I was a twig around 120 something pounds.. Need some advice on what I can do to fix my shape.

Also I've been using the MyfitnessPal to keep track of calories and macros. Been eating around 3100 calories a day for the last 3 weeks and most of it is going to my gut lol. Not too worried about getting fat right now just want to fix my posture and get my arms/chest developed. I think my strongest body parts are my legs and back. Arms and chest are seriosuly lacking..

If anyone has any helpful videos or articles, maybe even routines I'd appreciate it.

Current Weekly Routine:

Monday - Chest and shoulders

(Military Press 3x3-5) PR: 155

(Dumb bell Press 3x3-5) PR: 120

(Reverse Fly's 3x3-5) PR: not sure

(Flat Bench 4x3-5) PR: 155 :(

(Incline Bench 4x3-5) PR: 145

Occassionally I do dumbbell presses instead of bench*

Tuesday - Back

30 pullups

(Flat Row 3x3-5) PR: 180

(Lat Pulldows 3x3-5): PR 160

(Deadlift 4x3-5): PR 300

(Bent over barbell row 3x3-5): PR 120

Wednesday- Arms

(Bicep Curl 3x3-5) PR: 100

(Incline Hammer Curl 3x3-5) PR: 45

(Skull Crusher 3x3-5) PR: 70-80

(Tricep Pushdown): PR: 35-45 each arm

(Close Grip Benchpress 3x3-5): PR: 145

Thursday - Legs

(Deadlift 4x3-5 ) PR - 300

(Squat 4x3-5) PR - 245

(Leg extension 3x3-5) PR - 225

(Leg Curl 3x3-5) PR - 195

(Standing Calf raise 4x3-5) PR - 235

**all sets are usually preceded by a warm up set of 20)

usually 2 rest days a week

Before the last 3-4 weeks I was working in the 6-8/8-12 range and recently decided to start lifting heavier. Obviously my bench form sucks because my chest is nowhere near looking proper. Might have missed some exercises and give or take +/- 1-2 sets or reps on exercises

TL;DR: I look like a weak lil bitch and need some advice. pls help

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the advice, I've been trying my best to reply to everyone but if I don't, I SEE YOU & I APPRECIATE YOU. Gonna up the volume and maybe the calories. Will be reporting back in a few months with a progress update.
@mamajaiy At first glance? Increase your reps. Target 8-12 per routine.

Switch to a PPL/PPL workout. 3 days hypertrophy (8-12 reps per routine, maybe an extra drop set to failure) and 3 days for strength.

Keep eating like you are. If your body doesn’t change in 4-15 weeks, add another 300 calls.
@ellamwebb A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.

Found this with a quick search, is this the type of routine you think I should switch to?


Deadlift 5x5

Weighted Chin-up 5x5

Lat Pull down 4x8-12

Dumbbell Row 4x8-12

Face pull 4x8-12

Curl variation 4x8-12

Another curl variation 4x8-12

PUSH A (heavy bench press and light OHP)

Bench press 5x5

Overhead press 4x8-12

Incline dumbbell press 4x8-12

Machine or dumbbell fly 4x-8-12

Lateral raises 4x8-12

Tricep extension 4x8-12

Skull crushers 4x8-12

LEG A (lunges after squats literally kill me. [Continued...]

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@mamajaiy I was around your size when I started, a little taller, and I didn't make any progress until I started hitting everything twice a week. Layne Norton's PHAT saved my gym life. PPL would be good too. I like PHAT because you work all the rep ranges. I went from my untrained bench PR being less than 135 to now 295, a 405 DL and a 315 squat at 175 lbs body weight.
@felipetortella No offense but when your bench is almost as much as your squat something isn’t right there chief.. either ur lyin or u got a chest the size of Schwarzenegger
@lanet some people have relatively strong upper bodies. that or they don't like leg day that much. most guys in my (bodybuilding focused) gym only squat occasionally and never go beyond 225, but most of them bench 250+
@lanet I got a natural strong chest with definition from when I started. I bench more than I squat, althrough I have been focusing more on developing my upperbody in the past.

And for the record arnold benched about 400lbs. Caption that going from 350lbs to 400lbs would be much heavier than going from 200lbs to 300lbs
@felipetortella Yeah I'm going to browse around and put together a routine for myself and really make an effort to focus on mind-muscle connection and going until failure. A 295 bench would be so dope. Really want to fix all I'm doing wrong and get a proportionate body with stronger lifts.
@mamajaiy Listen to the top comment, increase your frequency, all studies shows that a frequency of 2 times per week is more efficient than 1 for hypertrophy.

Push pull legs is a great split. Google coolciadas ppl, it’s a great routine.
@mamajaiy No one has said you gained 27 pounds in 3 years. With you being lean most of that was muscle. That is some nice gains.

If you want more gains eat more. If your worried about your gut then I keep it closer to 20% above maintenance. Which would be something like 2300 -2500 depending on your lifestyle.

Also up your volume.
@cmfsd Yeah I think my gains are fairly decent. I've read the recommended normal weight for my height is around 160 pounds so I'm not even at my baseline range yet. Once I start getting over 160 is when i should be looking pretty big. Going to work hard these next 6 months to try and hit as close to 170 as possible while making all my lifts heavier(and form better). I've been trying to eat around 140 grams of protein per day/ 360g Carbs/ 80g/fat/ and not a lot of sugar.