Animal-free whey protein is on the market now!


New member
You might think "But we can already get protein from plants" But a lot of people really dislike the taste of vegan protein powder and a lot of people still believe that plant protein isn't good enough to optimally build muscle which obviously isn't true, but it eventually will reduce dairy consumption because this product is now available, and that is, of course, a good thing. I compared the price to regular whey protein from myprotein which is a really cheap site and it's double the price, which is really good considering that it's a new technology and an even better quality product because it doesn't contain lactose, hormones and other crap you would find in dairy.

I don't want to sound like an advertisement, but if you're interested here's the product:
@adamhurst We live in an excellent era! I'm glad we have the know-how to develop this kind of thing. Taste usually isn't much of a factor for me (I actually like the taste of a bit of plant-y grit in my shakes) and a mix of pea/soy/hemp can deliver similar BCAAs as whey, but this is a nice alternative for those who don't like the taste.

Another thing is that until V-Whey gains more traction, it'll be expensive for the time being. $29.99 for 15 servings at ain't the least expensive, but again, anything that's a step in the right direction is a good step.
@adamhurst They milking bacteria now?

Kidding this is pretty cool and if it takes off I can see it really disrupting the dairy industry that is already starting to lose to plant based milks. My only concern is allergy's but hell I will try it!

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