Any advice on losing weight?


New member
Hello fellas! I’m new in this fitness lifestyle, and I been trying to lose some weight in the last 3 months (diet and exercise) but I barely see the results, at the end of every week I check up my weight and all that I just lost is in between 0.5 - 1kg I use a spinning bike for 1 hour (2 times per day) and do my diet but don’t really see the results, any advice? (Thank you for taking some time to help me out, I really appreciate it, it means a lot to me)
@tmur Your post is slightly confusing and can lead to two interpretations. If you are 2 kg every week that is a TON of weight loss over a year. In pounds and that’s over 100 pounds in a single year, which is an amazing achievement.

On the other hand, if you have lost 2kg over 3 months, that’s not very good. If you are truly doing 2 hours of biking a day, your diet needs some serious adjusting. You should be losing at least 2 kg/month if you are exercising that much and have a reasonable diet. Also, are you getting a good sweat after an hour? If you’re just sitting on the bike and slowly pedalling, that’s not going to burn many calories.

At any rate, best of luck on your fitness journey!
@tmur I know you said you are on a diet, but most people in my personal experience still do not hit a proper calorie deficit and continue to have a high carb based diet. Ensure you are not only keeping up with a very strict initial diet,(salads are king!) but are focusing more on cardio than weight training. Once you have gotten used to these steps then more muscles = more passive calories burned, so 3 days weighs 2 days cardio pretty much for life 😂. Good luck honestly it's all about will and most people just don't really have it.To be successful find your motivation and keep it steady!(How bad do you want it?) Consistency is key and way too many people are impatient don't be one of them! (It takes time, celebrate the small successes) I see people in their 20s starting testosterone because they think they have issues building muscle that have been doing it for a year 😂.(They start and now their endocrine system is fucked for life) Everything takes time and a lot of it! (Same people that see every fit person and says he is on testosterone) effort = results 💪 Keep us posted I am happy to hear you are becoming a better you!
  • use a calorie counting app like MyFitnessPal. It's a fair amount of effort, but it's very useful. After you've used it every day for a month, you probably have a good idea of where your calories are coming from, so you don't have to use it forever. The free version of MyFitnessPal is extremely useful.
  • avoid all beverages that contain any sugar. That includes fruit juice. You can drink an insane amount of calories in the form of sweetened beverages, and you don't feel full from it. You don't need this stuff.
  • avoid things that have added sugar as much as possible
  • read nutrition labels on packaged food to get an idea for what's good and what's junk
  • avoid packaged food as much as possible. Eat fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, etc - real food, not stuff made in a factory. The companies that make packaged food don't have your health in mind. They add lots of garbage ingredients to make their product taste better
  • don't buy candy, chips, donuts, cookies etc - you don't need these. You can get used to not eating these. Don't even bring them into the house. If they're around, it's very tempting to keep eating them. If you don't have any in the house, you can't eat them