Any hollow comp bell recs outside of Bells of Steel and KB Kings? Any Kettlebell USA owners?


New member
I moved up to 24kg a minute ago on my never ending DFW routine. Currently using a KB King comp bell and one of their adjustable bells. Long story short, it isn’t working out. The balance in the adjustable isn’t right and you can really feel the weights clang around. The combo of hollow bell meeting filled bell annihilates any momentum in a set. I don’t feel like I’m going to make adequate progress without adequate gear.

I’d wait for KB Kings to restock but they have 0 idea when they’ll have the 24kg in stock (I’ve been waiting since December). So, much to the detriment of my pockets, I’m looking to buy a pair of 24kg bells.

Currently looking at Kettlebell USA’s 35mm bells. They look gorgeous, but can’t find much on them online. Thanks for reading.

Edit: Settled on Pro Kettlebell Apollos. Thanks to everyone who gave input!
@ffrankie Those look really nice! My only fear is the jutting ‘nubs’ with the weight label might clang and twist my wrists around. Do pictures make them look more obtrusive than they really are?
@steveng They're not obtrusive.

Here's a couple reviews that go through the design:

There's more reviews on YT too.

I have KBUSA and ProKBs, but ever since I got my ProKBs I don't touch my KBUSAs much (except for the weight I don't have in ProKBs). I've been trying to sell off my KBK comps without much luck 🤷🏼‍♂️
@ffrankie Well, I just ordered a pair of 24kg painted Apollos. One of your vids and a few others on YT sold me. A lot of thought went into designing these bells. Can't wait! Cheers for the recommendation.