Any suggestions to improve my routine


New member
I only have 30mins to goto gym before I take kids to school and head off to work, but this is what I do. I am 180 and abt 100kg:

3miles on bike daily - ca 9 min
Stretching - ca 5 min

Alternative days. 2x day 1, 2x day 2

Day 1:
Lunges - 15kg in each hand, 10 each leg, 3 sets
Dumbell squats, 15kg each hand, 10 reps, 3 sets

Deadlift, 3 sets of 10 x 100kg, then 130 to fail

Any suggestions?
@confuzn Idk how many days you go. But I suggest doing compound lifts on the days you can go saving time workout whole body and most muscles. So Day 1 = bench, dips, squats.
Day 2= Squat, deadlift, bench.
And just repeat