At-home Workout routine for getting ripped?


New member
20 y/o male, don't want to be like henry cavil just wants abs and upper body strength, and a well structured body. Have 3kg dumbells but that's the only equipment I have
@dreamtree1206 Your best bet is calisthenics l, 3kg isn't gonna cut it unfortunately but fear not! Necessity is the mother of invention! Need a bar for curls? Broom handle and tubs of paint can be cheap alternatives. Pull up bar? Literally anything you can hang off.
@dreamtree1206 You 100% need a pull up bar or something else to do pull ups.

If you can't to pull ups, do negative pull ups, until you can do at least 5 clean pull ups.

Also dip bars wouldn't hurt, but you could also use 2 sturdy chairs.

For more weight thank 3kg, fill a backpack with water bottles or sand bottles.

Routine: upper, lower, off 3x12



Push ups

Pull ups

Body rows

Side raises

Biceps curls



Walking lunges

Calf raises

Even only push ups, pull ups and squats are definetly enough to build significant muscle in the beginning.

Make sure just to do something that is sustainable, and keep adding on there.