Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine


New member
I'm about to graduate which will free up a lot of time, so I figured I'd get back into working out. I have a couple of goals in mind.
  1. Start doing some cool stuff. So far I've just trained for fitness, but I do want to do cool stuff like handstands, front levers, etc.
  2. Getting functional strength in terms of lifting irregularly shaped heavy stuff. I struggled with lugging around ~100lbs of scuba gear a couple years ago when getting my scuba license, and I would like to train for that.





~170lbs (was ~175 at my peak)

Current Routine

4-5 Years (But only consistently for years 1, 3, and 4)

Progression Peaks

3x7 Pull ups + ~10lbs

3x8 One legged squat

3x8 Dips

3x8 Single Leg Hamstring Slide

3x5 Tuck Front Lever Pulls

3x8 RTO Pushups

Minute plank, didn't really do much of the others

Here's my proposed routine:


Category Exercise Progression
Simple 6 w/o Static stuff

Vertical Pull
Pull up

Vertical Push
Overhead Press (dumbell)

Horizontal Push
Push Up

Horizontal Pull
Tuck Front Lever Pulls

Elbow Flexion
Bicep Curl (dumbell)

Elbow Extension
Overhead Triceps Extension (dumbell)


Category Exercise Progression
Agile 8 w/o Static stuff
L Sit

Quad Dominant
Weighted Lunges (dumbell)

Hamstring Dominant
Nordic Curl

Core Anti-Extension
Hanging Leg Raises

Core Anti-Rotation
Copenhagen Plank

Core Extension
Reverse Hyperextension

For training frequency, I'm planning to do something like Upper, Lower, Rest, Upper, Lower, Rest, Rest. I haven't gotten to the exercise order yet nor the number of reps and sets. I haven't been particularly active this past year so I'll need to experiment a bit.

My questions are as such:
  1. Are there any muscle groups that I'm not targeting enough?
  2. Are there any muscles that I may be overworking?
  3. Are there exercises I should add to help me with goal #2?
@narrowisthepath It looks like you have an issue with your training unrelated to your programming. I’d have expected better results in some of these categories even with inconsistent training.

Given your goals I would personally steer towards straight strength training, combined with some time spent on skills.

Something like 5/3/1 (look up 5/3/1 boring but big as an example) with bodyweight exercises as accessory movements, and some hand balancing at the start of your sessions would move you towards your goals.
@legatichristi It's strange because, as someone who's not world class but I've gotten the basics mastered, there's a Bigg diff between 3x8 dips and 3x8 RTO pushups assuming that's full RTO

I'm not even sure how one can do 3x8 RTO pushups and only 8 bodyweight dips, plus 3x8 RTO pushups vs 3x7 pullups with 10 lbs is also a massive strength diff
@legatichristi In your opinion, where should I be at? There were some progressions where I ran out of more difficult variations (or didn't have the equipment) and didn't bother to add more reps after hitting 3x8 (hamstring slides, squats, pushups). But on the other hand, I particularly felt slow progress in my pullups, dips, and rows.
@narrowisthepath Pullups progress slow for everyone, that's fine!

I started obese, at 0 pullups, and I have bad leverages (very long arms). In 2-3 years I could do 15-20 full range of motion pullups for working sets..and I ran bad programs for a while too, it's only later that I started following s routine

I would expect someone leaner or shorter arms to progress even faster, this is for a young healthy male btw

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