Beginner at the gym

@peppermint_patty Start reading and researching. You need to have patience here and lots of it, but if you do, you’ll be set for life.

Get a hold of a typical weight lifting split set.

Chest & tris on Monday, back and bis on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, that kind of shit. (Make sure dead lifts, squats, and bench presses are in there).

Watch video demonstrations, read up on how to do them as well (you can’t see everything going on).

First month or so, do like really light sets of 10. Like 3 sets of 10, maybe 4-6 exercises a workout, right? This way you have lots of practice on form, you build endurance, and you get a feel for how it. Pay attention to what your muscles feel like as you do these things. Remember to always brace your core on heavy lifts (well really one anything but you don’t have to flex it like your life depends on it unless it’s a big lift).

If you’re not noticing any injuries and your lifts feel solid, you can start adding some weight and adjusting your numbers based on the workouts you now want to try.

That’s basically it.

As far as food: lots of calories, lots of protein. If you start to become a walking methane cloud, you’re either eating too much protein or too much fat. Protein is typically .8/lb body weight of your goal weight.

Good luck