Beginner routine question


New member
Hello! I'll try and keep it short and simple

I want to start a fitness routine I want to lose fat, gain a bit of strength improve joint and flexibility problems and all round feel healthier and not be out of breath walking up stairs.

I'm 31, male, I was pretty fit when I was younger and have let it go in the last few years, I do basically no fitness and am just overweight.

I like the idea of calisthenics, easy to do when starting, accessible and uses alot of the body together for better balance.
This is a routine I have in mind to work the whole body for a balanced workout, am I missing anything?!

3x a week
3 x 10 push ups - chest, shoulder, tricep
3 x 10 crunches - upper ab
3 x 8 leg raises - lower ab
3 x 10 squats - quads? I think
Pull ups? Never done one to be honest
3 x 8 calf raises

This is about the amount of reps I think I'm at to start but obviously I have some lack of knowledge. I'd like to also get a run in (1.5 mile) twice a week to start, on days in between?

That wasn't short and simple, anyway any advice would be great, I want to stop getting old and fat while I have a chance!
@jayisscott Just go on YouTube and look up "bully juice" and he has a 30 day free workout plan with days off and stretches.
It's free.
There are days off and days on.
Or you can jump rope some days.

Listen to your body and relax.

If you want to take it easy and do one day on one day off it's cool.

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