Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon Rupture - Has anyone done this and come back stronger?


New member
Hey guys, long time reader, haven't posted much though.

A month ago I tore both quads when competing. Ironically I've coached other people through the rehab of this.

My question to you is, do you know of any powerlifters/strength athletes other than Ken Cooper, who have had this injury and come back to the same squat, or stronger?

Video here of the injury if anyone is interested:

Right at the end is the video of the injury around 13.30 if you’re so inclined.

I’m 4 weeks post op today.

I'm not looking for rehab advice etc, just trying to find out who else has gone through this AND come back stronger. Not sure if this is against this subreddits rules or not.

Thank you
@bart75 One of my Labrada teammates, Jaden Lacaria is a powerlifter who tore both quad tendons. And nows he's stronger than ever and likely going to hit a massive PR at his next meet.