Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

@mordinsky Its rather ironic that this is the video you singled out. It's a perfect example of why I dislike his content. As far as I'm concerned these excercises are basically a Trap targeted at uneducated begginers. Anyways, I don't want to rehash the conversation here. There have been multiple threads on this within the last week or so. Here is the last discussion on the topic.
@mordinsky Yes, your scalps should get sufficient work from compound movements like pull ups, rows or pushups. It should not be necessary to isolate them. The extra time and minutia that these excercises add to your routine have very little return on investment. Unless you have unlimited time, your better off investing that effort into other excercises that will have a significant impact on your development.
@cbsmel If I'm too weak to do a certain exercise in a split then is it suitable to replace it with an easier progression of said exercise? Or will that mess with the numbers?

Thanks for the amazing work!
@kasm69101 Any progression in the given rep range can work.

But this is an intermediate program so i expect that you should be able to do the exercises mentioned in this program.
@cbsmel I might be missing something here, but is it really sustainable to do this workout with a fullbody split ?
10 exercices with that many sets seems atrocious, aren't you completely toasted ? Also, considering the rest and the number of sets, it should take like 2H30 to complete.
@cbsmel I am now in week 3 of Full Body (3x a week) . Now that I'm used to the routine I've cut my time down to an average of 1:20 per day. I've found that the Sissy's, Pelican's, and the Tricep Extensions to be the most challenging. I'm most proud of my HSPU's. I am doing belly to wall HSPU.

I started with 5 sets of 2 reps. I'm now doing 6 sets of 3 reps. I think I was limiting myself before I started this routine. I've been doing BWF, based on the RR, for about 5 months. Previously, I was a die hard P90x'er morphing into a routine that was a mixture of all 3 P90x workouts. On the off days I do a 35 minute core routine and this week started a GTG, consisting of HSPU's, Ring front lever tucks, and Planche Tuck Holds.

I'll post again after week 6.


I love this stuff.