Can I achieve a better aesthetic with body weight exercises only?


New member
Hi! I posted in r/weightloss and r/thelastfifteen asking for advice on my body and was redirected here.

I was trying to lose weight by CICO but my body is pretty stubborn and if there’s any progress it seems unnoticeable, I think it’s time to get into fitness :)

I was wondering if it’s possible to achieve a visual difference with only bodyweight exercise, I do have access to a gym but I find the machines and programs overwhelming.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: This is me
I’m 5,5” and 130 pounds, right in the middle of a healthy BMI (21.6) but as you can see my fat distribution is not exactly the aesthetic I would like lol. And to be fair I’m a bit bloated in the pic but there’s not much difference to when I’m not.

Edit 2: I just want to say thank you to everyone for your comments! I wasn’t expecting much feedback but everyone is so helpful and encouraging here ❤️❤️❤️
@tianguis What will be easier for you, maintaining a strict diet and doing bodyweight exercises regularly, or a looser diet and hitting the gym regularly?

Weightlifting is honestly just more efficient in terms of aesthetics. There's a reason body builders (even lean ones) are going to the gym instead of yoga studios. Also the caloric deficit created by lifting is often comparable to the amount of cardio most people do (unless you are say, swimming a ton).

It's okay to be overwhelmed at the gym the first few times! I've been going years and I'm still learning. Pick a few exercises to do that you enjoy, do them well, and then do bodyweight exercises from there if you like.

In short, do whatever you think you'll adhere best to, as that's the most important factor, for both diet and exercise.