Candito 6 Week Review/Results (xpost from r/powerlifting)


New member
I originally posted on r/powerlifting, but I really feel like there's not very much info out there specifically for women to modify powerlifting programs. I had some trial and error when running through Candito in order to make it more effective. The mods I list below are the cumulation of things I tried in the first 3 weeks. So to potentially save someone else some time, I'm sharing this with Reddit.

When I started searching for a Powerlifting program to start implementing I found a lot of information, but I had a very hard time finding reviews/results/tips/modifications (anything really) from women who had used Candito. So now that I have, I figured I’d share.

I picked Candito for these reasons:
  1. The sessions could be completed in 45mins-1hour.
  2. Periodization
  3. Customizable for favorite/needed support exercises.

I have a very tight schedule currently and do not have more than 45mins-1hour in the gym available to me every day, therefore, any program that required 1-2hour sessions was quickly eliminated. Previously, I had pretty much been Brolifting ;)

I researched the program and discovered that most people found it to not have enough bench volume, so I set out to modify it with more volume.

I am a woman with max pull up set as 12 bodyweight reps, but I still wanted to do pull ups rather than lat pull downs, so I modified the Pull Up sets in the program.

The first time through I had difficulty picking the most useful optional exercises for the lower body days, but learned enough to do much better the second time through!

My modifications:

I added 3 sets of touch-and-go bench press on every upper body day immediately following the paused bench sets. I used the 4th Set of Bench Press during day 2 week1 for the weight and rep scheme. I did this weeks 1-4.

I added Incline dumbbell bench press as a mandatory exercise on every upper body day 3-4 sets.

I also increased the first set of paused bench press for weeks 1 & 2. Because my max bench is so low, the initial set is laughable. 50% of 130 is 65lbs, which is like lifting a damn paper weight. I can’t even warm up that low. So, I started with 75 lbs.

For the Weighted Pull Ups, I always did them first on Upper Body days. I also either did 4 sets of 6 bodyweight (50% of my max) or 3 sets of 5-10lb weighted pull ups for 4-5.

For Weeks 1 & 2, I used a Bodybuilding style breakdown for optional exercises. Chest/Back/Shoulders. For Weeks 3-4 I did Chest/Back

For Lower Body the first cycle, I tried a bunch of things and was not well thought out. After doing this cycle, however, I came to a better system. My sticking point in the DL is at the lockout, so now I do Rack Pulls for my optional exercise. My weakness in Squatting is knee cave, so I try do to pause squats or pauses hack squats once a week and a glute exercise another time.

If your sticking point on DL is at the bottom, a deficit deadlift would be a better optional exercise.

Results (This is all anyone really cares about correct?

I am 5'3" 140lbs

Previous Maxes: 120 BP/190 Squat/265 DL

One Six Week Cycle of Candito: 130BP/205 Squat/290 DL

I think my DL and Squat could have gone up more with a more focused use of optional exercises.

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