Carb Cycling + HIIT advice?


New member
I'm going to try carb cycling along with a few HIIT workouts throughout the week. But I'm struggling to figure out where to place them. Keep in mind, with my schedule, I go to the gym after 4 p.m. and afterward is when I can eat most of my food. This is what I've come up with so far. Or should I shift my HIIT down a day? Confused by the options since HIIT is supposed to burn carbs more than fat.

So in my mind, doing a HIIT workout on a high-carb day is good considering I'd be consuming most of my carbs after the workout. But maybe I have that twisted.

Thanks in advance!



I'm really stuck with my weight loss. Based on calorie calculations, I should have lost 20 pounds (and I was calculating 7k caloric deficit = 1 pound lost instead of the typical 3.5k calculation). Of course, my fitness tracker may have been inaccurate, but not to the extent that I gained 7 pounds. And from all I've heard, gaining even five pounds of muscle is about the max for a year, let alone four months.

My body does feel different, but that was a brutal number to see. Really trying to stay away from looking at the scale at all since that really messes with my head. Instead, I'm focusing on measurements and how clothes feel.

I should have my bloodwork results soon. Metabolism and testosterone levels were at healthy levels when I checked last year. Sent for a thyroid test. Maybe that's a contributing factor.

A few years ago, I went from 250-175 in the span of two years. For the first four months or so, I was eating about 1000 kCal per day to lose as much weight as possible and lost around 40 pounds in that span. So I understand that I might have really hurt my metabolic rate and I might be paying the price now.

I'm 28 years old (M) and weigh 250lb at the moment. I really didn't like my body at 175 and I think I'd be happy around 200-220 with better muscle composition I've built over the past three years.

On top of the gym, I incorporate 30-60 minutes of walking every morning.

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