Cique_Physio posted a free eBook on shoulder warm up


New member
Link to ebook:
Cirque_Physio is Jennifer Crane, physical therapist and athletic trainer. She worked with the Chinese Olympic teams for the Rio Olympics and consistently posts useful, informative articles on circus arts training, flexibility, and mobility.


*Edit: Details

Apologies for not including this to begin with. I have a house full of extra children and I'm a little scatterbrained.
@luke Hey, can you edit the post to have a short paragraph about who she is, what she does, and why it's relevant here? I know you aren't new here, but... Rule 3
@qtpie71 Yeeeah, honestly I just threw it out cause I saw it and thought it looked useful. But I'm on mobile now and busy with a family visit, so if you want we can remove this and I can repost in the daily thread. Sorry about that.
@luke Aside from downloading an ebook, anyone have a summary or video of just the exercises? Seems to be an odd medium for this type of thing, and well I'm lazy

Here's a quick synopsis as I peruse the document:​

Step 1: Warm Up with dynamic movement or cardio

Step 2: Soft Tissue Prep:
  • Pec minor: use a peanut (two tennis balls taped together) to release your pec minor while laying on the floor in a certain position,
  • T-spine mobilization: mobilize your upper back by laying supine on peanut (elevated on something ideally) while you arch/round your back.
  • Use peanut for your lats
Step 3: Nerve mob: ulnar nerve mobilization

Step 4: Muscle activation
  • Go into childs pose and lift your arms.
  • Go into childs pose with arms elevated and lift your arms up
  • Thoracic Rotation in Plank with band
  • Wall facing scapular slides
  • Plank side steps (go into plank and move your hands to the left and right)
@kelvinsayhi Just get on IG and search @cirque_physio . She just ran a short tutorial challenge with shoulder exercises last week, and they've helped me a lot with tightness in those weird under-the-shoulder rotator cuff muscles like pec minor and teres major.