Closing off week 9 of BBG and I still can’t do jack knives 😩 Help!


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I really don’t know what it is or how to improve and actually make progress from here, but I can’t do a jack knife to save my life. My weighted bent leg jack knives are better than my straight legged ones. For the latter, my whole upper back goes rounded and always comes off the floor cause I’m trying to reach my legs which won’t come all the way straight up. What i end up doing is holding my legs straight in the air and just reaching for my ankles, sort of like a crunch motion.

Halp! What do?
@lanieloo I don't have any advice, but I did BBG for the full 12 weeks and still couldn't do them. I'm assuming my core just still wasn't strong enough by the end of the program.
@lanieloo I've done bbg and honestly I wouldn't really worry about that. I would either just do them as best as you can, or replace them with another ab exercise (for the same # reps). Your bbg results won't be impacted because you can't do jack knives. FWIW I can't really do them right either, I always end up bending my legs or putting my hands behind my head to support my neck.

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