Combining two geoff neupert programs


New member
The combining of two programs by geoff neupert.
Firstly i have to say that i am a huge fan of his work, that’s the second and third program from more kettlebell muscle that I did in a row.
Secondly I choose this programs because of my time limiting life at the beginning of this programs (was working 10-12 hour days, 5 days a week and Saturday for about 4 to 6 hours) but I wanted to train 6 days a week, taking a day off.
Thirdly: I did all of the six workouts in the morning, 4 of them at 6:00 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), the other two, Saturday and Sunday, at the time that i could get it in the morning.
Fourthly: each program consist of 3 days of work for 6 weeks, one light (L), one medium (M) and a heavy day (H), with sets increasing and rest decreasing, one program is more focused on ballistic and the other on the grind.

Ballistic beatdown was done with double 16 kg and as a complex (it was the right weight): Saturday Monday and Wednesday.
Day one (L):

High Pull x10

Snatch x10

Push Press x10

Day two (H):

Swing x10
High pull x10
Snatch x10
Front squat x5
Jerk x10

Day three (M):
Snatch x10
High pull x10
Swing x10

You start doing 3 sets going up to 5 in the third week (it was brutal), then you start back at 3 sets on week four with the rest time decreased and going up at week 6 with 5 sets again.
My forearms were getting a huge pump, my traps and upper back were sore as hell, day two and three would get my lungs on fire.

Olympic 3.0 was done with double 16 kg and as a chain, it was not the right weight, if I had a 18 kg or tried with 20’s but as I never done chains i aimed lower because of the volume: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Day one (M):

Front squat x5

Press x5

Clean x5

Push press x5

Day two (L):
Clean x5
Press x5
Snatch x5

Day three (H):
Front squat x5
Clean x5
Press x5
Front Squat x5
Jerk x5

You start doing 4 sets then 5 in week two, then you start back at 4 sets on week 3 with the rest time decreased and going up at week 5 again in week for, decreasing the rest time again and going up to 5 sets on week 6.
As noted before I should used a bigger bell but I was afraid on not handling the volume and never did a program as a chain, so I did have great results on my shoulders but could gotten better results.
Overall my form got better and my lungs were on fire, very fun programs to do, very little time doing it so you can do a lot with a lighter weight and complexes.
@xrho Can’t understand the programs as the formatting is off, but i do have MKM with me and I get a sense of what you are talking about. One of the main reasons i haven’t started a few programs because i wanted to do it with a double 16kg KBs. I underestimated and started WOLF with double 20s and I wasn’t ready for the heavy day. It was brutal. Came to realise that with Geoff’s programming it’s better to go with lower weights than what one thinks he/she should.
@8weaponx Try it to fixed but it's not getting better. The programs on Mkm are made to use lower weights, i tried the wolf with 24' it was impossible. There is kettlebell ultra were you can use heavier weights or dfw.
@xrho Indeed. I’ve gone through a cycle of giant 1.0 with the double 20s. Plan to do 1.1 and 1.2 before moving up the bell size. I’m sure that 1.1 and 1.2 with 20s will be challenging.