Come hear the story of your life, or stay for some fitness advice


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Yo what’s good, my names, Tyrese Rose H., my fitness journey has been a crazy one and I have been, severely depressed, I went from a super jacked 175 best shape of my life to 149 pounds of skin and bones then, I got super fat cause I did nothing but watch a football life in my moms upstairs room, I was just numb and filled with sadness, at that point I reached 189, all I ate was McDonald’s McDoubles and drank coffee, all whilst my mom was supporting this behaviour, that’s just a little taste, since a little before covid-19, the doctor put me on some serious medication also, which helped for a bit, but ultimately, made my body turn against me, it healed my mind, but destroyed my body, I had never really had bad acne before but my back broke out my chest face, I was ashamed of my body and to show it, and before I would take pictures everyday just for me, I’m not doing this to gas myself I just want to help whoever wants some advice and if I can than awesome, 🙏🏽the biggest thing was finding what I loved to do anything and finding myself growth, I would love to share my story give some fitness tips etc, also, I love making music so keep you ears open 🙏🏽🌹❤️

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