Comp or Hard Style

I have an adjustable competition kettlebell at the moment. I love using it and don’t want to replace it, but add another element. I have one small issue with it, When I do 2 handed swings. I have to rest my pinkies on the horns because I can’t get my hands to fit on the handle fully. I’m considering 1 of 2 possible solutions. A second comp bell or a Hard style. Double bells would speed up workouts using both arms simultaneously, but I can’t wrap my head around swinging 2 bells being as comfortable at swinging one. Would I get used to this? Is the versatility of 2 worth the minor discomfort in certain workouts? The reason I care so much is because I use the 2 handed swing as a “I don’t want to work out today,” workout. No matter what is discouraging me on off days I find I can always will myself to do 2 handed swings. I’d like to eliminate the discomfort from the exercise I’m most comfortable doing lol.
@confusedchristiangirl0512 I think you'll adjust to double bell swings pretty quickly and find that the benefits double bells give you overall are well worth the compromise.

But if you're really really into two hand swings, cast iron are better for that one movement.
@confusedchristiangirl0512 Swinging 2 bells isn't less comfortable, just different. Since I have two adjustable comp bells at home and enjoy 2H swings with them or doing dbl swings either way I'd recommend a second adjustable bell: they open up a world of training options and you'll adapt to the 2H swing no problem.
@confusedchristiangirl0512 I only run comp bells and yeah while it's annoying to have the pinkies in the handles it's more then manageable, also if you don't want to buy anymore equipment and have a light enough bell, start doing one handed swings with a single. I find that that really makes you focus on better form and it hits those stabilizing muscles like you won't believe.