Confused on where to start (body weight WOD)


New member
Ok I downloaded a pdf called "C r o s s F i t B o d y w e i g h t W o r k o u t R e s o u r c e" v2 by Shane Skowron. Its broken down into different categories like classic, metcons, skills and strengh, running, endurance, etc. Some require rings which I don't have so I'll eliminate those workouts.

My questions:
1. how do i select a workout each day, if I pick a metcon do I have to select a classic or endurance wod the next or can it be another metcon wod? Do I have to be concerned if I'm repeating the same exercises day to day?
  1. If there's a WOD that I can't do should I avoid it or just do the max I can do. For example this one:
    100 squats
    100 pullups
    200 pushups
    300 squats
    100 lunges
    Umm I can probably do 100 air squats, I can do about 8 pullups without resting, if I take breaks I might be able to get to 50 but sloppily. 200 pushups ain't happening, I can do about 25 without rest but then I'm wiped for 20mins. You get the I skip or just do the best I can?
@gary987 A big aspect of CrossFit is scaling. Scale a workout to your abilities. You can scale the movement (ie. doing pushups on the knees) or scale the number of reps. If you don't have specific equipment, like rings, you can usually substitute a movement. For most ring movements, you could use a pull-up up bar or dip bars. Don't get to a point where your form is sloppy. Cut the numbers down in the workout and see how it is. If most of the workouts in the pdf you downloaded are like that, I would suggest looking elsewhere because that's not the most responsibly programmed workout.
@gary987 Scale it. Don't get in over your head and try to tough it out, if you can't do it then scale it. Instead of the RX Angie (think thats the name of the WOD, going by memory here) do 100 Squats, 100 Inverted Rows (on a workbench or tree or something), 200 Push-Ups on Knees, 300 Squats and 100 lunges. It will be a long workout, I don't even think that's a good WOD to use as your intro to crossfit. I would just program something myself like

4 Rounds for Time of:

Run 400m

25 Squats

25 Push-Ups

25 Sit-Ups
Based on the skill level you described, you could complete that.