Constant DOMS and soreness - how to mitigate?

Some info: 35 yo male, 6ft2 195ish. I get an average of 7hrs (always aiming for 8, but life happens) of sleep and currently eat at slightly above maintenance since I’m running AtS 2.0 hypertrophy program. I’m a regular 9-5 desk jockey but working from home w a standing/sitting combo.

Supps: 3,000 IUs of fish oil daily and some vitamin B, creatine 2-3x per week, some vitamin D with K2 and sometimes a B-complex. Caffeine twice daily (6am and again around 11 usually).

However, on the damn daily I am sore AF. Sometimes I find myself groaning aloud, cracking every bone when moving too quickly, etc. I probably could use more cardio/conditioning but I do the Agile 8 before every workout and do a second circuit of it on Wednesdays. Foam roll and lax ball occasionally.

Any tips besides “moar sleep bro” on combating constant soreness? Much appreciated, y’all!

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you waitin for moments that never come
@terrygillettedavis How often are you hitting each body part? I was doing full bodyvtwice a week but alternating sqiats and deads. Squats once a week always gave doms so i make sure to do some leg wirk on deads day and it helps a lot. Also consider how close to faikure you are going each time. If you arent recovered to work out well a few days later you may need to back things off.