Could this full body workout 4x per week work?


New member
I did some research and digging. I'd like to attempt to create my own full body split hitting everything 4x per week. Would this be OK?

45-60 minutes of MISS/LISS on OFF days.

(Alternate each workout)

M: Heavy/Medium/Light

T: Medium/Light/Heavy

W: Off

T: Light/Heavy/Medium

F: Heavy/Medium/Light

S: Off

S: Off

Deload every 6 weeks with 2 sets of each exercise with lowest amount of reps and lowest load during training block.
All exercises use double progression and RPE of 7-8. Avoid failure.

Heavy (4X6-10)

Flat Barbell Bench Press

Chest Supported Incline DB Row

Leg Press

DB Lateral Raise

Seated Leg Curl

V-Bar Triceps Pushdown

Incline DB Curl

Cable Crunches

Calf Press on Leg Press

Medium (4X10-15)

Incline Barbell Bench Press

Weighted Pull-ups

DB Split Squat

Seated Rear Delt Fly Machine

Lying Leg Curl

Lying EZ Bar Triceps Extensions

Preacher Curl Machine

Cable Crunches

Seated Calf Raise

Light (3X15-20)

Pec Deck Flies

Seated Cable Row

Leg Extensions

Cable Lateral Raise

Weighted Hyperextensions

Rope Triceps Pushdown

Single Arm Cable Curl

Weighted Decline Crunches

Calf Press on Leg Press
@brendan3248 I think working muscles four times a week would totally be fine for the muscles themselves however I would be very wary of tendonitis.

I switched from doing everything once a week to simply twice a week and didnt even think about how much my shoulders/wrists/elbows needed a rest. I ended up with dequervains and tennis elbow... You do not want tendonitis. It's one of those easy to ignore and never let fully heal issues that will end up bothering you for months.
@pastorinny Agreed man. What I find is everyone wants to lift heavier weights and never seem to increase rep range, sets, rest intervals, angles the list goes on. Tendons and ligaments are so forgotten and from what I've read they can take twice as long to strengthen than muscles do.