Critique My Home Routine


New member
I'm 5'6", 138lbs M

I've been just doing home workouts since the pandemic started. The only equipments I have are dumbbells (my plates can only go up to 55lbs for a single DB, 35lbs if pair) and a ledge where I can do pull-ups. I've been plateauing for months now with not much I can do to change up my exercises since I have limited options. Let me know what you guys think of my routine below:

Push Day
  1. 1 Arm Push-Up 4 sets
  2. DB Press 3 sets
  3. Explosive Push-Up 3 sets
  4. 5mins of Handstand practice
  5. Incline Push-Up 3 sets
  6. DB Side Lateral Raise 3 sets
  7. Dips (on countertop) 3 sets
  8. Diamond Push Up 3 sets
Pull Day
  1. Pull Up 4 sets (on a ledge-hard to grip, doing 10+ reps gets hard even with gloves)
  2. DB Row 3 sets
  3. Pull Up Wide Grip 3 sets
  4. Bent Over Fly 3 sets
  5. DB Curl 7 sets
  6. Athlean X 7 minute ab / Ab roller
Leg Day
  1. Pistol Squat 3 Sets
  2. DB Lunge 3 Sets
  3. Romanian Deadlift with DB 3 sets
  4. Calf Raises 4 sets
  5. Random Ab workout on YT
I do PPLPP every week, yes I only do legs once a week. Sorry. I sometimes throw in a random ab routine on the weekend when I feel like it. Let me know your thoughts and I'm open to suggestions. Thank you!
@myjesus777 Maximize your DB. Add these exercises:

  • Floor press
  • Floor flys
  • OHP
  • Arnold press
  • Tricep extension
  • 1 arm row
  • Hammer curls
  • Front squat
  • Squat (DB on the side)
I think you're lacking progression or progressive overload to further stimulate your muscles. My suggestion would be to buy another set of plates (10 lbs, 15 lbs) so you can add more weight, buy a flat/adjustable bench or increase your overall volume.

Im also doing PPL but I'm seeing results since I'm constantly adding weights or more volume in my program. Currently I'm using the r/fitness PPL program that modified a bit because I only have dumbbells. Here's the routine
@myjesus777 Currently, nagpagawa lang ako ng wooden bench, yung ginagamit ko. Pero this year im aiming for additional 15 lbs plates and an adjustable bench.
@myjesus777 Hello, there are tons of way even with limited equips. here are some ideas to achieve progressive overloading

Increase intensity (if possible)
- You can use bands in addition to you weights

Increase volume
- do more rep or sets

Increase frequency
- its time for you to additional leg day i guess 😁

Increase tension
- make sure you incorporate time under tension each workout specially those compound exercises.
- slow down the eccentric (3-4 sec) is a great sample

And lastly equally important how is your nutrition?
Again, you can't outwork a bad diet.

Imo 90% nutrition 10% workout 😁

Hope this helps!
@myjesus777 You can start by eliminating fast foods.
When I start a program with my clients specially for the beginners we always fix first their eating quality by limiting all the foods that are not that healthy and processed.

Here are some of the rules we establish.

No fast foods
No alcohol
No processed foods

Only homemade foods are allowed.

By setting this rules the chances of them eating unhealthy will be minimal. I always go and recommend small changes that are sustainable for a long period of time maybe for life! Small progress is still a progress yes?!

Things to look into / consider.
- daily calorie intake
- macros
- water!
- sleep
@myjesus777 No matter the program you will always plateau if your routine has no progressive overload. If you don't have the weights for it, either increase complexity or increase volume.

I recommend the sidebar of r/fitness to understand prog overload or the recommended routine in r/bodyweightfitness if you just want to copy a program.
@myjesus777 Increase sets and reps and minimize resting. You cannot really build muscle by doing this stuff. Even calisthenic guys wont build enough muscle with all the body weight exercises in the world.