
New member
Will you analyze my program?

I’ve been weightlifting for 5 years, and I’ve always created my own workouts. I just started learning macros. Being pretty sedentary during Covid, I’ve gained weight that I’m trying to lose (I.e. in a cut). I’m female, 134lb, 5’4, goal is to lose 9 more lbs.

I’m writing here to ask if there are any pro’s that would be willing to analyze my 6-week plan, and help guide me on macros?

I know with muscle I’m happier at 130, but without a gym I’m finding gains impossible cause I’m unable to lift heavy. Trying to lose overall body fat. My caloric deficit goal is 1500cal. I’m never able to hit my Protein macro goal.

Additionally, I work out 5x/week for an hour each. This is the gist, but if someone is actually willing to take a look at my plan, I’d be happy to share it in the comments:

Monday legs/glutes //
Tuesday full body + 15 minute 40 on/20 off HIIT //
Wednesday shoulders/bis/tris + 15 minute EMOM //
Thursday core + 15 minute 40 on/20 off HIIT //
Friday chest/back/legs

Any and all advice is welcome. Or pointing me in the right direction of body fat loss. Thanks friends.