critique my training program


New member
Hi, I need a second opinion on my training routine. Background info: Day 1, I run about 10 km, sometimes more, sometimes less or i do a heavy bag workout boxing/kicking for about an hour. Day 2, Gym at home. Day 3, stretching/yin yoga. Day 4, rest. Repeat. If I feel sufficiently recovered, I skip the rest day and start from Day 1 again.

Goals for weight

training; Get "strong" again. I designed this program so I could do

the same thing for a few years without needing to make any major changes. It's

possible that I will rotate some exercises, such as switching to regular

deadlifts and squats if I feel I'm no longer making progress. The goal is to,

over about 3 years, reach around 150 kg in bench press, 240-250 kg in deadlift,

and around 180-200 kg in squat—weights I managed about 10 years ago.

Training program

A exercise

week 1 10 set * 2 reps

week 2 8 set * 2 reps

week 3 5 set * 3 reps

week 4 3 set * 3 reps

B exercise

week 1 3 set * 3 reps

week 2 5 set * 3 reps

week 3 8 set * 2 reps

week 4 10 set * 2 reps

C exercise

1-3 sets 8-12 reps

Day 1

A Front Squat

B Snatch Grip Deadlift

C Dips, Chins, barbell sit up on incline bench,

Hanging Leg Raises, superset Cuban Press and Side laterals, Random Biceps


Day 2

A Bench Press

B Behind The Neck Press (standing)

C Lunges, Glute Ham Raises, Dragonflags, Plank,

Pendlay Row, Random Biceps exercise

Day 3

A Sumo Deadlifts

B Box Squats

C Dips, Chins, barbell sit up on incline bench,

Hanging Leg Raises, superset Cuban Press and Side laterals, Random Biceps


Day 4

A Overhead Press

B Pause Bench press (2-3 sec)

C Lunges, Glute Ham Raises, Chins, Dragonflags,

Plank, Floor press