Critique my workout? Help!


New member
24F 5’2 doing this for about a month and wanted to see if there were suggestions / advice I could apply to my routine.✨ I’ve been increasing my dumbbell weight by 2.5-5 pounds every week. These are my current stats.

Should I keep doing this full body workout 3-4 times a week or should I start splitting up chest / legs / back?

PS: I alternate between a few minutes of core / abs each workout at the end of my session.

Thanks y’all ☺️

Here’s the routine:

Warmup: treadmill 14 min; 8.0-10.5 incline @ 2.5 mph
  • Seated Row: 20 lbs 3 x 10
  • Lunges: 15lbs 3 x 10 each leg
  • Chest press: 15lbs 2 x 10 (3rd set to failure)
  • Bent over row: 12lbs 3 x 10
  • Squats: 25lbs 3 x 12
  • Bicep curls: 12lbs 3 x 10
  • Hip thrust: 30lbs 3 x 10
  • Wall push up: 3 x 10
@ashley755 What are your goals?

For general fitness this is better and more well rounded than a lot of the beginner posts I see.

If you want to hone in on any areas, in terms of building muscle, you’d benefit from a split.

If your goal is weight loss, this needs to be a bit more in depth for any useful advice.
@moustafahasan Goal is weight loss and to improve strength / tone up! More in depth how so? I weigh around 175 and want to go to about 135 as an ultimate goal. Should I incorporate more cardio? 👀
@ashley755 Yes.

And obviously your diet is going to be important.

Personally, when cutting weight, I like splits and supersets.

For example -




Cardio and stretching on day 4.

Or I’ve had good experience with PPL (Push, Pull, Legs) with an added day for extra cardio, core, arms, calves, etc.

It doesn’t really matter what you split it like. If you train this way the muscle groups get more rest in between sessions and you might progress a bit faster. Either way, it’s all going to come down to burning fat while you accumulate lean muscle tissue, and that in itself will rev your metabolism up.

I highly suggest utilizing supersets. And I would personally do another 20-25 min of moderate to intense cardio post or pre lift - again, it’s not going to make a significant difference until you’re training with weights you need maximum energy for.

You could just do a 5-10 min warm up if you’re pressed for time.
@ashley755 looks relatively good for a basic workout routine. if your goal is to build muscle, i’d suggest a split. i do glutes and hamstrings, back and biceps, quads, chest,shoulders, and tris, full leg day, and then core with sunday being my rest day. i do cardio every day as well. doing cardio at the end of the workout as opposed to the beginning is also recommended