Critique my workout plan focused on weight gain and muscle building


New member
Day 1: Push


Barbell/Dumbbell Bench Press

Incline Bench Press (B/D)

Dumbbell Fly

Seated overhead Press (Barbell/Dumbbell/Machine)

Cable Lateral Raise

Skull crusher (Barbell/Dumbbell)

Tricep Pushdowns Cable

Bench Dips

Day 2: Pull


Lat Pulldown

T Bar Row

Seated Cable Row

Cable/Dumbbell Pullover

Barbell Curl

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Hammer Curl

Day 3: Legs


Leg Extension

Leg Press

Walking Lunges

Calf Raise

Day 4: Push


Machine Chest Press

Incline Bench Press (B/D)

Cable Fly

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Reverse Fly (Cable/Machine)

Bar Dips

Close grip Bench press


Day 5: Pull



Barbell Row

Seated Row (Chest Supported)

Chest Supported Row


Dumbbell Curl

Spider Curl

Preacher Curl

Day 6: Legs

Hack Squats

Barbell RDL

Smith Machine Elevated Lunges

Leg Curl

Roman Chair Leg Raise
@mela900 This is just a list of exercises. You need to at least include sets- and reps, but load-and fatigue management, progression scheme and plan for stalling should also be included, in order to give any meaningful feedback.

I would recommend you DON'T program yourself. There are several proper programs, made by professionals and proven by countless trainees. They will always be better than what a beginner makes himself. I recommend you start with the Basic Beginner Program .

If you just have to do things yourself, at least read these articles:
- Why nobody is critiquing my your workout (READ THIS before making a beginner workout