Critique my workout routine + how long will it take to see results with it?


New member
I am a teenage female who wants to gain muscle in the gym. I specifically want to grow my glutes and keep a thin waist. I am currently 111 pounds. I eat 90-100g of protein everyday. I hit my protein goal with foods like cottage cheese, chicken, yogurt and turkey. How effective will this followinf workout routine if I have good form and eat as I do? I train until failure. I try not to track my calories because I used to have an eating disorder and it triggers intense starving followed by intense binge eating. But, when I look at my calorie count on the app I use to track my protein, I get anywhere from 1700-2100 calories daily.

- Legs
- Stair master warm up 5 minutes
- Hip abductors 3 x 12
- Hip thrusts 3 x 12
- Leg press 2 x 12
- Sumo squat 3 x 12
- Stair master cool down 5 minutes

- Rest
- Brisk walk

- Upper body and core
- Bike warm up 5 minutes
- Tricep push down 2 x 12
- Lateral pull downs 2 x 12
- Front raises 2 x 12
- Shoulder press 2 x 12
- Bench press 2 x 12
- Bicep curls 2 x 12
- Bike cool down 5 minutes

- Rest
- Brisk walk

- Legs
- Stair master warm up 5 minutes
- Leg press 2 x 12
- Hip thrust 3 x 12
- Hip abductors 3 x 12
- Sumo squat 3 x 12
- Stair master cool down 5 minutes

- Rest
- Brisk walk

- Waist
- Elliptical warm up 5 minutes
- 50 crunches
- 65 bicycle crunches
- 15 per side jack knives
- 38 toe taps
- 96 scissor kicks
- 34 reverse crunches
- 90 butterfly kicks
- Elliptical cool down 5 minutes