Crossfit H-O-R-S-E


New member
This morning, 5 of the guys at my gym got together to play a game of HORSE using Crossfit to call the "shots."

The rules were simple:
  • 30 second cap on the movements (ie, no run a mile or "Fran" etc).
  • If you call a "shot" but don't make it, then you get a letter
  • If you miss the shot that was made before you, you get a letter
  • If the person calling the shot makes it, then everyone has to try it. [not just going until one person misses].
  • We alternated taking the "shot" either after you missed a shot you called or after you made three consecutive shots (so basically I could only rack up three letter against my friends at a time - this would keep the skills/BW guys from getting destroyed by the powerlifters in the crowd, and vice versa).
We were pressed for time, but it was an all around success!

We had
  • (2) PRs on Power Cleans [245/275 by different ppl]
  • (2) PRs on bar muscle ups
  • some first time doing a TGU
  • a first time rope climb
  • (1) PR on Front Squat
  • (3) PRs on :30 max cal on rower
All around, this was a great success! If you have about two hours, I'd highly recommend doing it!
@blackhole Ha, that's fair. But there weren't any new guys there. Just the same group of 5 guys that have been working out together for a couple of years and wanted to mix it up a bit
@babies4me5 Yea, the people attempting the weights were pretty close in strength on these lifts. It just took the little added "I can't afford another letter" to get em over the edge.

Same with the Bar MUs.
@nae64 I would not recommend either PR'ing or trying moves, especially weighted, for the first time as part of a competition.

Instead I would try something like a certain number of reps of a move at moderate weight in 30 seconds etc.
@blackhole Why not attempt something? 20lbs might be a big jump on some moves, but not on others. I tried a 275 PC today with a previous 1RM of 245. I couldn't get my left elbow under the bar though, but I've never "forced" myself to try 275 before. Now I know I can at least pull it.
@merleharlin The first time movements were simple: TGU and rope climbs.

There were many, many rounds of a certain number of reps at a moderate weight in a certain time (ie, 10DL@225 in 15 sec, 20 pull ups in 30 sec, 3 PC in 30 sec, etc.)