Cutting routine - please help!


New member
I've been inspired by an earlier question I asked in another suband plan to use 2 apps to help with my new routine/nutrition after losing my PT (he's shut down his business). For nutrition, I plan to use Macrofactor and for my workouts Fitbod.

So far - I've come up with the following cutting plan for the next 12 weeks (I will be observing Ramadan for some of this time which means fasting and is why I'm looking at fairly short workouts and my main goal is to cut).

Diet (based on 77kgs weight and 177cm height)

Calories - 1780
Protein - 170g
Fat - 60g
Carbs - 140g

(Have rounded numbers slightly)

Workouts (also based on what equipment I have at home) and in line with what my PT suggested when he was still active:

Day 1: Chest

Bench 3 x 5
DB low incline 2 x 10
DB fly 2 x 20
DB pullover 2 x 8

Day 2: Legs

1) Warm up for legs (more time as its cold)
2) Squats: pyramid set one set of 12 65kg, one set of 10 70kg, one set of 8 75kg and one set of 12 65kg.
3) Dumbell step ups 2 sets 12kg 15 reps per leg

Day 3: Back
  1. Lat pull down 2 x wide grip 10 - 12 reps, 2 sets narrow grip supinated arms 8-10 reps
  2. one arm row x 2 sets 10-15 reps
  3. Trap bar deadlift x 1 set 8-12 reps
Day 4: Shoulders and arms

1) Standing barbell press 3 x 8 reps
2) Preacher Curl Myorep set. Work eailsy up to a hard set of a weight you could 8 but only do 5, then rest 10-20 secs 2 more 10-20 secs 2 more 10-20 secs two more etc until failure, utter arm burning failure.
3) Lu raises and standing cable press down super set. Light lu raises for 10-15 then straight into heavy pressdowns 6-8 (warm up the pressdowns first)
4) Seated hammer curl 2 sets of 10-12 reps, last set go post failure with a single drop set to a lighter dumbell and get as many as you can.

Would welcome any thoughts/criticisms/insults/comments!