DIY Bench for Dragon Flags & Nordic Curls/GHR Guide


New member
This is a guide for anyone looking to make something like this!

TL;DR video version of this post here

So this is a SUPER easy project, and I don't expect it to take over an hour for someone to do. (Yes that means you have no excuse to not actually make this). The only tools that are needed are a hand saw and a drill. And I know there are other solutions to be able to do Nordics and Dragon flags in a door, but I'll explain later why I needed a bench...

Build List:​

1"x12"x48" Wooden Board

1"x"36 Square Wooden Dowel

#12x1" Wood Screw

(Optional Parts Below)

Gardening Knee Pad (You can use a pillow or yoga matt in place of this)

Pool Noodle

-------------Metal Fittings--------------

1/2" Metal Flange x 2

1/2"x6" Threaded Metal Pipe x 2

+ 1/2" to 3/4" Right Angle fitting x 2

+3/4"x8" Threaded Pipe


Build Guide:​


Additional Info:​

So if you wanted to make this as budget as possible. You can just get the first 3 items on the build list. If you have a ring strap and yoga matt (or pillow) then it's completely usable! The total cost for that is right around $30

I went all out with the metal pipes so I don't need to set up a strap every time, and it also feels super sturdy. You'll definitely want a pool noodle instead of having your legs directly on the metal pipes, but it was super comfortable with it.


@thomaslowrens has a much simpler solution to be able to make a nordic setup. This is his post with a lot more information on GHR/Nordics and his setup for just using one simple strap under a door or tied to a pole.

So why didn't I do that?

Unfortunately, the only door that was really suitable for me in my home is my front door. Every other door would limit me in my range of motion. This isn't ideal for me and I also wanted to be able to use a resistance band tied above me to assist. So a portable solution I can put under my pull-up bar outside was ideal.

There is also this $230 bench from Baseblocks, but that wasn't the option I thought was best for me.

Anyways, I hope this helped you out. Its definitely giving me the motivation to work on my leg training as Nordics are by far my favorite leg exercise. Good luck on your training!
@button Looks great! I have designed a similar one that I am about to build. It might just be the second picture angle, but it looks like it dips in the middle. Might want to add a third cross beam.
@amandaoconnor Since it held during dragon flags it should support unassisted Nordic curls too. If the wooden board feels weak there's the option of nailing two of them together or reinforcing it with smaller planks.
@button Looks cool, what was the cost of the metal parts? Also I wonder how the pool noodle feels with a strap alone, I've never tried it and it looks like a good solution against pressure and possibly for the strap pushing the feet together, which is a problem that remains if you solve the first with something like folded clothing or anything not rigid.

The dowels seem redundant even when just using a strap, but nailing something to the board parallel to it could be useful if it is weak and bends too much, or even a second board depending on the costs.
@thomaslowrens About $30 worth of metal pipe.

Someone else pointed out in the video that they're redundant too. I agree unless you're in the very particular situation of wanting to use it just for dragon flags and don't have a trx straps. Then the gap from the feet allow you to grab the board on the sides.
@button I'd prefer to spend $2.50 on a lashing strap with a cam buckle instead of creating that gap to grab the edges of the board. The metal pipe is a bit expensive compared to a strap but the ergonomics can be better if it avoids the problem of the feet being pushed together. Though maybe the pool noodle would solve even that.