DIY Pullup bar in backyard HELP


New member
Hey everyone!! I have seen many videos about people building pullup bars in their backyards and I wanted to give it a try, since the park close to where I live has one but it's for kids and if I fully hang from it and stay loose with my arms I find myself with my knees on a 90° angle (as if I'm sitting on a chair with my hands up xD). I have watched many videos and I took some notes on the materials that I need, but I still need to figure out some stuff.

If I'm 1.90m tall(I'm from Italy), how high should I set the bar height? I'm new to pullups and calisthenics but I'd like to build something that allows me to do everything once I learn the exercises (like pullups, muscle ups, L sit pullups, typewriter and so on). I'd like to build a very sturdy setup because I'm pretty tall and weight around 80/85kg and most of the bars i see online or at stores like decathlon are too low or too thin and move a lot. So, if you have any tips on an ideal lenght of those 4x4 posts or any other advice let me know. Thanks for your time!
@cricketts I can't help you with measurements but if you want something thick and lasts forever check out your hardware store and look for steel plumbing pipes. You can connect them together and get the ends that screw in and bolt into whatever you want.

They last forever and can hold more weight than any pullup bar you can buy

They look like this when built
@cricketts Yes, I used galvanised steel plumbing pipes for mine - they came pre-threaded, allowing flanges to be screwed onto each end.
Get the 30 or 35mm pipes - they’re more comfortable than the thicker ones.

For the height, I like a bar at a height where I can reach up while on my tip toes and grab it. That way You can dead hang and barely touch the ground.
So make your posts that height plus about a metre, so they can go deep in the ground.