Do I have chance to become fit?


New member
I m currently 24y/o 400lbs 6'6. I am really deperessed about my current life. How can I become fit like u guys.
@gamesbx You're still young, so you can do it if you really want to. It's going to take some time, but the best time to start is now.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said (I think it was in the movie "pumping iron"): decide what your goal is. Then for everything you do, every decision about what to eat or whether to exercise, ask yourself: will this get me closer to my goal? Then do whatever will get your closer to your goal.

A few years ago I got a gym membership (2 years prepaid through Costco). I committed to going to the gym every day for the first year (then Covid hit, etc.) I never had to think about whether to go to the gym that day, or what excuse I should use to put it off. I had to go every day. No reasons, no excuses, nothing to thing about. Just go. One day there was ice on the roads, and I got the gym and found it was closed. Still, it wasn't me who was making excuses that day.

Diet is the most important part for weight loss. It's a lot easier to avoid 1000 calories of snacks, than to burn 1000 calories exercising. That's 80 minutes of fairly intense cycling, but I could eat that much food in a few minutes.

Use a calorie-counting app. It's a bit a hassle, but if you do it for 2 months, you'll get a good feel for what has a lot of calories and what doesn't.

The best start is to stop eating/drinking anything that has added sugar. None of those things are good for you.

If you don't want to go to the gym (I hate gyms), start with walking 30 minutes a day, then 60 minutes, maybe more. Running can be hard on your knees and feet, but walking is a lot easier, it just takes more time. You can buy a kettlebell and some dumbbells and exercise at home.

You now have a new mission in life.
@gamesbx By deciding you want to be fit, choosing a long term goal, choosing a workout plan that helps reach that goal, and consistency.

Getting started is always easy because you're motivated. Maybe you watched a motivational video, saw a body transformation, or maybe you just pictured yourself in better shape. That's all well and good, but motivation always waxes and wanes. When motivation wears off, it's discipline and habit that keep you going. It's the reason resolutioners became a term. People get amped up for "New year new me", but after a few weeks the motivation wears off. They slowly taper down on their workouts until eventually they just stop, just to repeat the process next year.

You have to get your workout in even when you don't feel like it. You have to do it so much that it's just a regular part of your daily routine. That doesn't mean you have to workout every single day. In fact, even twice a week will help you achieve results. The key is to find a routine that you enjoy and stick to. Progress comes with consistency. It's easy to quit because results are never instant. It will take a few months to notice any big changes, but I promise you, the changes will happen if you trust the process and stay disciplined.
@gamesbx Hell yea you do. If you want to become fit you will make it happen. I went from 325 to 177 at my lowest weight, I did every kind of diet I could imagine Nutritarian (Eat to Live), whole 30/paleo, keto, zero sugar diet (all those diets for a minimum of 1 year each). They all work and the key to doing to losing weight and getting fit is... Consistency and allowing yourself to make a mistake but get back on the wagon.
@gamesbx Love the vibe from the others. I'd suggest looking st Ethan Suplee as inspiration. He was much older and smashed it. You got this!
@gamesbx Being that tall, you have a really high BMR and if you focus on gaining muscle and controlling your appetite.. you should be able to come to a point were you can eat a lot and still have a decent physique