Do y’all drink protein shakes on days you don’t work out?


New member
I try to work out every day, and have recently started drinking protein shakes after training. Today I couldn’t exercise, so I was debating on whether I should drink one or not.
@jerryfont You should hit your protein goals DAILY.

If hitting this goal includes you drinking a protein shake, then yes, you should have it on your day off. Ultimately, from a muscle building standpoint, a protein shake is no different than eating a chicken breast. It just comes down to total protein consumed.
@londonmum I assume you aren't a beginner to fitness as the OP is and that you're not working the same muscles and groups on consecutive days. OP is asking about shakes on a day off...obviously he's still trying to figure things out which is why I asked him and not you.
@jerryfont Are you getting enough protein from your regular foods? If yes, then don’t drink one. If no, then yea obviously drink one. If you want to see results you have to track what you eat to some level. I personally use an app cause I really want to see results which means I weigh everything. This is not necessary for beginners(highly recommend). At the very least, you NEED to track how much protein you are taking in. Side note if you are consistently working out it doesn’t matter if you are taking a rest day or not you have to eat consistently as well. You can’t outwork a bad diet.