Does this sound like a good workpit for someone hoping to get a manual labor job?


New member
So I barely work my lats. Today would be my 3rd time in 2 months. This is what I did:

(((60lb dumbbell pullovers for 2 sets of 10

All rows are J Rows

50lb dumbbell rows for 2 sets of 10

60lb dumbbell rows for a set of 8

70lb dumbell rows for a set of 7

80 dumbbell rows for one set of 5 reps

55lb dumbbell rows for 12 (leaving a bit in the tank)

And the final set was 40lb dumbbell rows for 18 reps.)))

I usually never warm up. I don't warm up because I want to work my absolute rested muscle. I've never injured myself. (I'm 32, started working out at 17. But after 4 years (at age 21 or so) I took a long ass hiatus from working out. Hence, the near beginner strength.)

Anywho, my main question is, after I work out enough to feel a good work out has been achieved, could I just rest 20 minutes and then do 2 to 3 reps with 80% of my heaviest set every 3 minutes or so until fully fatigues for that day? It'd be like an extended EMOM workout.

Emom is every minute on the minute. I've read that you could do a 5 × 5 workout then do 20 sets of 2 reps (20 minutes, 40 reps) with about 50% of your 1rm and that would be good for strength endurance. Today was a damn good workout. I feel like I could do more, which is why I ask.

I do know of GTG, or greasing the groove. But that's 30% to 70% of your 1 rm for half as many reps as you can do per set (with explosiveness) for 6 to 8 hours a day, every 15 minutes. But with this method, you do it 4 or 5 days a week for about month. This method is also called synaptic facilitation training. Basically training your neurological system and not so much your muscle.

The 55lb dumbbell felt super light. And the 40lb dumbbell felt even lighter. Even tho I was kinda tired.

Also, I rested a long time. 3 minutes between sets.

Does this sound too much? Or should I go for this? I was thinking doing this twice a week and do some mobility and loaded stretching work on off days.