ELI 5: Ladders


New member
Hi guys. I’m a newb and sorry if this is a d**b question.

I only got 4 days left on 10000 kb swings challenge and I want to try DFW.
I read the article from strongfirst and saw some posts here of folks doing the program…

I just can’t seem to grasp the ladder definition.
I.E. Week 3
Day 1: Ladders. 1, 2, 3, 4 (do I do 1 rep of C&P then FSQ then rest? Then 8th set is 4 reps of C&P and FSQ?)
Day 2: Sets of 2 (do a set of C&P and FSQ? Then rest?)
Day 3: Sets of 3 (do a set of C&P and FSQ then C&P then rest ?)

I’m lost :(

Sorry guys if this has been asked but I can’t seem to find anything. Last I saw is about ETK.

Thanks for the read.
@dom_williams For DFW you're supposed to rest between your C&P and FSQ and ladders mean you do sets of one, then two, and so on to the highest and then back to one. So on W1D1 for example you'll do one C&P then set the bells down and rest. Then clean them again and do a single front squat then set them down and rest. Then a set of two C&P, then rest, then 2 FSQ, then rest, then 3 C&P, then rest, then 3 FSQ, then rest, then start over at sets of 1.

Rest periods don't have to be long, there were definitely times where I felt ready for front squats immediately after C&P so my "rest" was just the time it took me to make a tally mark to track C&P sets.
@bhulksmash Thank you so much for your response!
I get the ladder now.

For non ladder days, for example, sets of 3, I will do 3 C&P, rest, 3 FSQ, rest and 3 reps until time expires?