Enlarged spleen weightlifting


New member
Hey, I’m 20y old male. I was diagnosed last year with thalassemia. My grandparents have it and what not, it’s pretty much just tiring. No big deal tho I can fight the fatigue. So I was 170lbs very lean a few years back. I am now at 215 but I have not worked out in a very long time. Just as I started going back to the gym to get back in shape and slim down tone out, I got my diagnosis. As I said I can fight the fatigue that’s whatever I deal with it. But due to the disorder my spleen is enlarged. The normal spleen is 12cm, mine was up at 14cm and has since dropped down to 12cm and now back up at 13cm so it does seem to fluctuate. Because of this though my doctor has recommended my exercise only be a light jog. No gym no weight lifting, even in normal day life he doesn’t want me lifting more than 30lbs. I’m not saying he’s wrong , he’s obviously a doctor but I mean I was born with this. I wrestled for 12 years, in and out of the gym my whole life. I also work in road construction. Constant heavy duty lifting , never had any problems. Wouldn’t have even of known if he didn’t order an ultrasound. I don’t mean to sound pitty in any way guys. But I’m starting to get a little depressed. My friends are always inviting me to the gym , and I’m not happy with my looks right now. I want to participate very bad. And I do do cardio it’s all good yea, but I want to build my chest a little bit, I want to get my abs back I want to tone my arms. I’m not saying I have to bench 225 but I mean not even low weight high reps? I feel kind of trapped. Is they’re anyone who can relate or give me any type of advice. I’m just losing my mind a bit. I just want to be able to work out normally. Like I said I have my whole life and have had zero problems maybe he’s just telling me because he’s scared of liability or lawsuit if godforbid I tried something crazy n tore it. Idk he refuses even body weight work outs. Light jogs only and I just don’t agree I don’t like it. Any advice??